A chi kung Class in progress
A new "Comments" page is found here. Another "Comments" page can be found here.
Except editing for spelling and grammar, the comments provided by Sifu Wong's students and other people are reproduced in full and without any changes.
- I Have Benefited So Immensely
Herman Lo - A Tremendous Increase of Energy Levels
Fang Jun - To Live Life Joyfully and Meaningfully
Edward Liew -
So Blessed to Have Found This School
Evelyn Baumann -
Intensive Taijiquan course in Sabah 2013
Sifu Mark Blohm -
From Basic to Masters' Levels in Only 5 Days
Sifu Leonard Lackinger -
Wonderful Valentine Courses in Ireland 2013
Kevin -
Fantastic, Even Though It's Not Sigung's Best
Sifu Chris Didyk -
Reflections on a Landmark Course
Sifu Andy Cusick -
Five Layers of Psycho-Sommatic Existence
Fixinsocks74 -
You Show Me the Smile in My Heart
Claudio Matricardi -
Marvelous, Amazing and Certainly Not Like Anything I Have Ever Experienced Before
Matt Wood -
I was Given a Wonderful Gift
Chris Didyk -
Some Cooments form Visitors on Sifu Wong's Webpages
Various Persons -
Mile Bhuiochas, Sifu or Millions of Thanks, Sifu
Joan Browne -
The Tai Chi Chuan Festival is a Dream Come True
Chris Didyk -
Blending of Flow, Force and Mind
Christina Didyk -
Las Vegas -- Experiences
Chris Swacha -
Tai Chi Chuan Festival in St Pete
Steven -
Overcoming So Many Issues
Vero -
The Competition was the Most Fundamentally Important Event in my Training
Richard Denyer-Bewick -
How Unbelievably Lucky I Am
Sean Irvin -
Achievements that Most People Don't Evem Think Of
Claude -
We Have Been Blessed
Binia Marti -
Feeling Supremely Joyful, Wonderfully Happy, Incredibly Peaceful and Filled with Love
Matt Wood -
From Fear of Life to Loving Life
Dominic Roche -
This Course is a Life-Changing Experience
Santiago Cabo -
There are No Words to Express the Magic, Love, Peace and Calm You and your Instructors have brought to my Life
Irene Pizzolante -
Vitality Illuminating My Soul and Body
Lauren Michelle -
Breaking through Insecurities and Letting Go of Fears
Michael Helgeson -
I was in the state of life I was searching for since 40 years
Ulrich Fischer -
Two-Finger Zen and Warrior Qigong
Federich Chu -
Dispersing Clouds - Would You Believe It?
Anthony Spinicchia -
The Amazing One-Finger Shooting Zen
Adam Bailey -
To Err is Human, To Forgive is Divine
Ivan -
The Eighteen-Lohan Art has taken my Health and Well-Being to a Greater Level Immediately
Chris Swacha -
Living my Life Joyfully, Powerfully and to the Benefit of Myslef and Others
Michael Helgeson -
We Experienced a Kind of Miracle When We Came Back
Boris and Svetlana -
An Incredible Experience
A Senior Student -
Thank You
Alex Baranosky -
It's All about the Little Things
Molly Sorensen -
How Has Chi Kung and the Shaolin Wahnam Institute Changed My Life
Sifu Antonio Colarusso -
Seeing the World as I Never Could Before
Ryan Berg -
From Sitting in a Wheel-Chair to Walking in a Street
Sifu Luara Fernaindez -
Priceless Art
Sifu Hubert Razack -
My Sifu
Joel Udoh -
I Laugh for the Future and for Life
Nicholas Jones -
A Precious Gift which Brings Joy in Many Ways Every Day
Chris Holmes -
This is Remarkable
Jeff Dakers -
Experiencing Satori at Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course
Joshua Lawson -
Wow — Nothingham Regional Course
Barry Smale -
Wondeful Taijiquan Course in Ireland
Alex Stedman -
Life is to Live It
Alejandra Ibáñez Díaz -
My Life Changing Experiences
Emiko Hsuen -
Recovery from a Hitherto Non-Curable Disease called Endometriosis
Emiko Hsuen -
Miraculous Experiences in Receiving Distance Chi Transmissions
Emiko Hsuen -
A Gift of Chi
Captain Emanuel Kissey -
The Joy of Being with Others
Barry Smale -
How Much One could Learn in your Intensive Course
Franciskus -
I Could Never Pay You Enough for this Gift
Jeffrey Synder -
Studying with You was a Joy and Great Privilege
Anthony Spinicchia Irvine -
The Dark Side of Chi Kung
Lanny -
Good Training
Eddy Carr -
They Say This is Impossible
Miguel Camps -
A Zen Poem after Experiencing Satori
Neil Burden -
The Best and Most Rewarding Experience of my Life
Joan Browne -
Sharing the Happiness of my Class
Pere Sabata -
Excellent Exercise to Overcome Cancer
Pilar Fernandez -
Practsing Chi Kung for High-Atitude Mountain Climbing
Dr. Paul Stocker -
To me it was Almost a Miracle
Dr. Hadi Sutedja -
Seeing Life in a Different Way and appreciating its Beauty
Luis Morgado and Anabela Sousa -
My Search is Finally Over
Neil Burden -
Amazing Course Experiences
Roland Mastel -
Full of Good Dreams
Eugene Siterman -
I Only Got Short-Term Benefits
Tom -
A Great Source of Strength and Inspiration
Christopher Jones -
The Pinacle Stage of My Evolution
Darryl Collett -
Difference between Regional and Intensive Courses
Tobi -
Enjoying Nature, the Evening Colours, the Wind, the Birds Singing
Inge Vandromme -
You are Energetic Now
Cahyadi Kong -
Learning from a Master has No Comparision
Javier Castañeda -
The Inner Joy I Had Practicing Qigogn is True and Real
Yixin Guo -
It Answered All the Questions I was Asking Myself
Hubert Razack -
Memorable Tai Chi Chuan Training with Sifu Wong
Laura Fernandez -
The Gift of Relaxation
Michael Simon -
Don't Go on this Course!
John Crispin -
Thank You, Sifu
Paul Andrews -
Dan Tian Breathing, Sinew Metamorphosis and Sukhavati
Tobi -
Joyful Experience of My Soul
Dr Roseline Aralas Kissey -
A Stable Foundation to Fulfil any Aspiration
Joshua Craig -
Energy Different from that of Other Masters
Jeffrey Synder -
I Don't Know How to Thank You Enough
Markus Kahila -
Inspiring Experiences for Martial Artists
Darryl Collette -
Seeing Things Clearly and in a Completely Different Way
Maite Herrera -
When Can We Come Again?
Tony Duffy -
Bringing Purpose to My Life and Life to My Purpose
Neil John Burden -
Opening the Third Eye
Andrew Barnett -
Overcoming Cancer and Experiencing Happiness from Within
Laura Fernandez Garrido -
The Practice of Taijiquan is a Daily Joy
Professor Javier Galve -
Powerful Chi Kung in Simple Forms
Jeffrey Synder -
Teaching from the Heart and Inspiring by Example
Grandmaster Leslie James Reed -
Practising is Something I look Forward to Everyday
Richard Broadhead -
My Chi Kung Experience
Michael Durkin