(Unarmed Sets)

Grandmaster Wong demonstrating the Shaolin Five-Animal Set
You can view the unarmed and the weapon sets in Alphabetical Order.
The weapon sets are found in Kungfu Weapons.
The webpage showing the previous webpage can be found at Previous Webpage
Please note that the classification is arbitrary and there can be overlapping.
You can also view the kungfu sets in alaphbetical order here and their combat applications here.
While a kungfu set is mainly used for demonstration in many other schools, in Shaolin Wahnam it serves many useful purposes, such as:
- Learning kungfu techniques
- Ensuring the correctness of forms
- Practicing footwork and body-movement
- Practicing “six harmonies”
- Regulating breathing
- Developing force
- Practicing combat application
- Generating energy flow
- Attaining a focused mind
Basic Shaolin Sets
Lohan Asks the Way

“Lohan Asks the Way” is the fundamental set in Shaolin Wahnam where students learn basic hand techniques, body adjustment and footwork. They also learn basic skills like fluidity of movements, breath control and mental focus. In other words, students are introduced to the “six harmonies” right at the start of their kungfu training.
Video 2000
Video in early 2000s
Video 2009
Picture Series
Pictures 2000
Black Tiger Steals Heart

“Black Tiger Steals Heart” is the first of the basic combat sequence sets. It is composed of the first four basic combat sequences. The first sequence is also called “Black Tiger Steals Heart”, named after the most popular attack pattern called “Black Tiger Steals Heart” too. Hence, “Black Tiger Steals Heart” may refer to a pattern, a sequence or a set.
Video by Grandmaster Wong
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong
Video by Sifu Andrew Barnett
Video by Sifu Michael Chow
Video 2018 — Combat Sequences 1-4
Fierce Tiger Speeds Through Valley

This is the second combat application set for Shaolin Kungfu in our school. It extends the range of hand attacks and defence. Wherease the first combat sequence set, "Black Tiger Steals Heart" focuses on the left leg mode, this second combat second set, "Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley", focuses on the right leg mode. The sequences here are very effective for pressing attack.
Set in Video
Set in Pictures
With Pattern Names
Video 2018 — Combat Sequences 5-8
Happy Bird Hopes up Branch

Kicking techniques are very effective in Shaolin Kungfu, but these kicks are purposely inconspicuous. There are some innate weaknesses when applying kicks which a skillful exponent must be aware of and he must also know how to neutralize them if his opponent exploits these weaknesses.
Video by Sifu Leonard Lackinger
Video by Grandmaster Wong
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong
Video 2018 — Combat Sequences 9-12
Felling Tree With Roots

Many people are not aware that there are more felling techniques in Shaolin Kungfu than in any other martial arts! Throwing an opponent, as in Judo, is only one of numerous categories of felling an opponent to the ground. There are many felling techniques in Shaolin Kungfu whereby the exponent can fell an opponent without having to hold him.
Set in Video
Set in Pictures
With Pattern Names
Video 2018 — Combat Sequences 13-16
Single Tiger Emerges from Cave

"Single Tiger Emerges from Cave" was composed by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit from 8 combat sequences, which were condensed from the 16 Shaolin basic combat sequences. This set helps students to overcome two big secrets concerning free sparring, and enabled students at a regional Shaolin Kungfu course in Switzerland in 2006 to use Shaolin patterns in free sparring in just three days!
Two Big Secrets — Videos
Picture Series — More
Switzerland 2006 — Videos
Free Sparring after Three Days — Videos
Secrets in Free Sparring Methodology — Videos
Shaolin Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set — Lohan Tames Tiger Set

To introduce students to a comprehensive experience of combat application in Shaolin Kungfu, Grandmaster Wong composed 4 combat sequences, which were linked to form a set. which incorporates all the typical patterns of attacks and defence. Various versions of the set taught at different places are presented.
Lohan Tames Tiger 2008 — Videos
Lohan Tames Tiger 2008 — Pictures
Shaolin Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set
36-Specific-Technique Set
This set was composed from 36 Specific Techniques in Venna in 2017, and was a development from the set found here.
Basic Taijiquan Sets
White Snake Shoots Venom

This is the first of the combat-application sets, and it trains hand attacks and defences. This set is composed of the following three combat sequences shown in the following video clips: "Immortal Waves Sleeves", "Low Stance Vertical Punch', and "White Snake Shoots Venom". A video clip showing the same set in some speed can be found here.
Slow Motion — Video
Slow Motion — Pictures
With Speed and Force — Video
With Speed and Force — Pictures
Fast — Video
Video 2008
Green Dragon Shoots Pearl

"Green Dragon Shoots Pearl" is the second of the Wahnam Taijiquan combat application sets. It introduces kicking attacks and defences, and is composed of the following three combat sequences shown in the following video clips: "Green Dragon Shoots Pearl", "White Crane Flaps Wings", and "Striking Tiger Poise". A video clip showing the same set in some speed can be found here. (Please ignore the background music which happened to be playing while the video was taken.)
Slow Motion — Video
Slow Motion — Pictures
With Speed and Force — Video
With Speed and Force — Pictures
Video 2008
Pictures 2008
Black Bear Sinks Hips

"Black Bear sinks Hips" is the third combat application set in Wahnam Taijiquan. This set incorporates kicking and felling attacks and their defences. It is formed from the following three combat sequences: "Thrust Kick", "Low Stance Single Whip", and "Black Bear Sinks Hips".
Slow Motion — Video
Slow Motion — Pictures
Fast with Force — Video
Fast with Force — Pictures
Video 2008
Pictures 2008
Carry Tiger Back to Mountain

“Carry Tiger Back to Mountain” is the fourth of the Wahnam Taijiquan combat application set. Various felling attacks and their counters are introduced in this set.
Slow Motion — Video
Slow Motion — Pictures
Fast with Force — Video
Fast with Force — Pictures
Video 2008
Pictures 2008
White Crane Flaps Wings

This set has all the movements needed for training fundamental Taijiquan skills and techniques, including practicing stances and footwork, generating energy flow, building energy at the dan tian, developing internal force, exploding force, as well as applying combat techniques for all the four categories of attack and defence. It was formerly the basic Taijiquan set in Shaolin Wahnam, but for various reasons like making it easier for Shaolin Wahnam Taijiquan students to learn, the fundamental Taijiquan set is now changed to Cloud Hands.
Slow Motion — Video
Slow Motion — Pictures
With Force and Speed — Video
With Force and Speed — Pictures
White Crane Flaps Wings by Sifu Leo — Video
White Crane Flaps Wings by Sifu Leo — Pictures
Cloud Hands

This Wahanm Taijiquan set named “Cloud Hands” is a simplified form of the basic set “White Crane Flaps Wings” Yet it is comprehensive, and incorporates all important Taijiquan movements, force training and combat application!
Cloud Hands (Slow) 2015 — Video
Cloud Hands (Fast) 2015 — Video
Cloud Hands (Slow) in early 2000s — Video
Cloud Hands (Fast) in early 2000s
Cloud Hands in Picture Series 2015
Flowing Water Floating Clouds

“Flowing Water Floating Clouds” focuses on Chen Style Taijiquan. Those who are used to Taijiquan as a slow, gentle exercise, may think that this is a Shaolin Kungfu set. But it is closer to the kind of Taijiquan in the past.
Video by Grandmaster Wong
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong
Video 2018
Combat Application in Killarney — Videos
Combat Application in Frankfurt — Video
Routine of Combat Application Set — Video
Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set — Old Eagle Catches Snake

The 12 Basic Taijiquan Combat Sequences in our school are distilled into 8 Distilled Combat Sequences, which in turn are abridged into 4 Abridged Combat Sequencees. These 4 combat sequences are linked together to form a set, called Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set, later renamed as Old Eagle Catches Snake.
Old Eagle Catches Snake 2009 — Video
Old Eagle Catches Snake 2009 — Pictures
Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set
Yellow Bee Sucks Pollens

Many Taiji practitioners today do not realize that Taijiquan is a martial art. But realizing it as a martial art is one thing, being able to practice it as a martial art is another. Many Taiji practitioners would like to be able to use their art for self-defence but have little idea of how to do so. This set, which is composed of eight Taijiquan combat sequences, helps to overcome this problem.
Yellow Bee Sucks Pollens in Videos
Yellow Bee Sucks Pollens in Pictures
Chi Kung
Golden Bridge and Three-Circle Stance

Stance training is the main method to develop internal force. If one can stand for 5 minutes in Golden Bridge or 15 minutes in Three-Circle Stance, he will have developed some internal force. Shaolin Kungfu is well known for Golden Bridge, while Taijiquan is famous for Three-Circle Stance
Videos -- Golden Bridge and Three-Circle Stance
Self-Manifested Chi Movement

Self-Manifested Chi Movement is the platimun chi kung in our school to overcome an illness. In the past it was known as entering Zen or entering Tao. In Western terms it is entering a higher level of consciousness.
Video -- Self-Manifested Chi Movement
18 Jewels

Initially during my early years I used exercises from the 18 Lohan Hands to overcome diseases. Hence I grouped them to generate a self-manifested chi movement, resulting in the 18 Jewels.
Video -- 18 Jewels
Pictures -- 18 Jewels
Lifting Water

Lifting Water is an amazing method to develop internal force. It is so important that it is placed at the beginning of most sets.
Grasping Sparrow's Tail

Grasping Sparrow's Tail includes all techniques of Taijiquan, namely "peng", "lu", "qi", "an" and "ceng", which correspond in our "Immortal Waves Sleeves", "Double Dragons Plays with Water", "Push Boat According to Correct", "Push Window to Look at Moon" and "Black Bear Sinks Hips".
Video -- Grasping Sparrow's Tail
Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques

The Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques as a set was first suggested by Rama Roberto. As we charge very high fees for the wealthy, Rama Roberto sugguested that we should not neglect the poor. Thus we have a set of eighteen chi kung exercises. As an idealist, we could use our set of eighteen exercises at the physical level, as an introduction to Taijiquan, as an introduction to Shaolin Kungfu, as chi kung at the mind level.
Video -- Shaolin Chi Kung Eighteen Techniques
Abdominal Breathing

Abdominal Breathing is Different from Diaphragm Breathing although they may look quite the same. In Abdominal Breathing, chi, or energy, goes from the nose to the dan tian, or energy field. The dan tian rises, When breathing out, chi goes from the dan tian to the mouth, and the tian tian falls. In Diaphragm Breathing, air goes in and out of the lungs as the lungs are air-tight. The diaphragm pushes up and down, enlarging the lung cavity.
18 Lohan Art

I wondered how the Shaolin masters from the northern Monastery was very powerful. As recent as the 19th and 20th centures, they easily defeated warriors who came to China to test her kungfu. Unlike the Monastery in the south, the masters could train their internal force in their kungfu sets. Then during a preparation for a course, I had a realization. The northern masters practiced the 18 Lohan Art.
Bone Marror Cleansing

Bodhidharma taught Bone Marror Cleansing using Eighteen Lohan Hands and Sinew Metamorphosis. His taught 4 levels, namely skin, fpglesh, bone and bone marrow, and focus on spiritual cultivation. Our Bone Marror Cleansing is on five levels, namely skin, flesh, organs, bone and bone marrow, and we focus on chi kung, kungfu and daily life.
Video -- Bone Marror Cleansing
Sets Grandmaster Wong Learned from his Sifus
Tiger-Crane: 36-Pattern Set

Except the starting and finishing patterns, all the patterns in the set incorporated the tiger form and the crane form.
2017 — Video
2017 Sifu Leo — Video
2014 — Video
2014 — Pictures
2003 Learning the Set — Video
2000 — Video
2000 — Pictures
2000 — Another Video
Dragon-Strength Chi-Circulation Set

Dragon-Strength is Grandmaster Wong's specialty. The set can be very fast and powerful.
Dragon Strength — Video 2014
Dragon Strength — Pictures 2014
Dragon Strength — Video 1980s
Original Version — Video
Original Version — Pictures
Video 2019 by Sifu Leo
Shaolin Flower Set

The Shaolin Flower Set is a legendary set reputed to be practiced by the female Shaolin grandmaster, the Venerable Ng Mui, and the Shaolin prodigy, Fong Sai Yoke.
Videos 2011
Pictures 2011
Video 2018
Triple Stretch Set

It is reputed that this was the set Hoong Hei Khoon and the Venerable Sam Tuck practiced at the Shaolin Temple on Nine Lotus Mountain in south China.
Video by Sifu Leo, 2020
Videos by Grandmaster Wong, 2010
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong, 2010
Videos by Grandmaster Wong, 2010
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong, 2010
Essence of Shaolin
The Essence of Shaolin is the treasure of Uncle Righteousness. This set comprises the best of Shaolin techniques for combat.
Essence of Shaolin — Original Video
Essence of Shaolin — Original Pictures
Essence of Shaolin 5th Dec 2017 — Video
Essence of Shaolin 5th Dec 2017 — Pictures
Essence of Shaolin 15th Dec 2017 — Video
Essence of Shaolin 15th Dec 2017 — Pictures

Wuzuquan, or Five-Ancestor Kungfu, has remained the same for many centuries.
San Zhan by Sifu Anton Schmick — Video
San Zhan - Videos 2014
San Zhan - Videos 2012
San Zhan - Pictures 2012
Cross-Roads at Four Gates

"Cross-Road at Four Gates" was the fundamental set practiced at the southern Shaolin Temple in Quanzhou in the 1880s. It was transmitted to us in Shaolin Wahnam by the Venerable Jiang Nan.
Cross-Roads at Four Gates in 1980s
Four Gates 1980s
Performed by Grandmaster Wong 2014 — Video
Performed by Grandmaster Wong 2014 — Pictures
Performed by Grandmaster Wong 2008 — Video
Cross-Road at Four Gates 2016 — Video
Four Gates Combination Set 1983 — Videos
Four Gates Combination Set 2008 Part 1 — Videos
Four Gates Combination Set 2008 Part 2 — Videos
Four Gates Combination Set 2016 — Video
Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set

This Shaolin Pa Kua Set, which is from Shaolin Kungfu and not from Pa Kua Kungfu or Baguazhang, is an important classical kungfu set Grandmaster Wong learned from Grandmaster Ho Fatt Nam. It is demonstrated here by Sifu Goh Kok Hin, Grandmaster Wong's senior disciple in Malaysia, from a video in the 1980s. Many techniques used in Shaolin Wahnam today are taken from this classical kungfu set.
Shaolin Traveling Dragon Pakua Set 2018 — Video
Old Video by Sifu Goh Kok Hin — more
Video by Sifu Leonard Lackinger
Video by Grandmaster Wong
Picture-Series of Pakua Set 2014
Old Pictures of Pakua Set — Pictures
Northern Shaolin Seven-Star Set

It is a flowing set from Northern Shaolin excellent for the small-size against bigger and stronger opponents.
Wing Choon Kungfu

In Choe Family Wing Choon, the fundamental set, Siu Lin Tau, which means Little Practice Beginning, can be divided into three parts. The first part is also called Siu Lin Tau, the second part is called Cham Kiew which means Searching for Bridge, and the third part is called Phew Chee which means Thrusting Fingers.
Siu Lin Tau or Little Practice Beginning — Video
Siu Lin Tau or Little Practice Beginning — Pictures
Developing Internal Force using Siu Lin Tau — Videos
Cham Kiew or Sinking Bridge — Video
Cham Kiew or Sinking Bridge — Pictures
Phew Chee or Thrusting Fingers — Video
Phew Chee or Thrusting Fingers — Pictures
Choe Family Wing Choon — Video
Wing Choon Chi Sau Sets — Videos
Wing Choon Shui Ta — Video
Tiger-Crane: 72-Pattern Set

This set was reputed to be from the great Shaolin nun, Ng Mui. It incorporated the famous "Single Leg Flying Crane".
2014 — Video
2014 — Pictures
2018 — Video
Other Sets
Shaolin Iron Wire

The Shaolin Iron Wire set is probably the most powerful kungfu set. It was first developed by "Thiet Kiew Sam", which was his honorric nickname meaning "Iron Bridge Three", as his Iron Bridge which referred to his forearms were very powerful. He was number three in the family, and his real name was Leong Khuen.
Videos -- Shaolin Iron Wire
Picture Series -- Shaolin Iron Wire
Videos 2014 -- Shaolin Iron Wire
Picture Series 2014 -- Shaolin Iron Wire
Shaolin 72 Chin-Na Techniques

The Shaolin 72 Chin-Na Techniques are top secrets, but to preserve them for posterity Grandmaster Wong has decided to reveal them. Because of the long history of Shaolin Kungfu, there are different versions of the 72 Techniques. Those shown in videos below are practiced in Shaolin Wahnam.
To enable practitioners to remember the 72 techniques well, Grandmaster Wong has linked them into a set. To enable practitioners to remember the 72 combat sequences of the 72 techniques well, Grandmaster Wong has linked the sequences into 7 sets, with each set comprising of 10 sequences, and the last set of 12 sequences.
Chin-Na Set 2015 — VideoChin-Na Set 2015 — Pictures
Kungfu Sets of Chin-Na Techniques 2015 — Video
Overview of Chin-Na Sequence-Sets — Videos
72 Chin-Na Techniques 2008 — Videos
Shaolin 72 Chin-Na Sequences — Videos
Shaolin 36 Leg Techniques
Many close secrets are found in the Shaolin 36 Leg Techniques.
Dragon in Zen

One can attain a high level of meditation by performing a kungfu set. This set was created by Grandmaster Wong for this purpose.
Video -- Grandmaster WongVideo -- Dr Damian Kissey
Eighteen-Lohan Fist

The Eighteen-Lohan Fist was evolved from the Eighteen Lohan Hands.
Little Lohan Fist 2014 — Pictures and Video
Eighteen-Lohan Fist 2014 — Pictures and Video
Learning the Eighteen Lohan Fist 2016 — Video
Lohan Kungfu Set
12 Sequences of Tantui

Tantui, the essence of Northern Shaolin, is famous for leg techniques.
12 Sequences of Tantui — Video
12 Sequences of Tantui — Pictures
24-30 July 2017 — Videos
30 July tol 5 Aug 2017 — Video
Profundity of 12 Tantui Combat Sequences
Combat Application Set 1: Second Brother Asks the Way
Combat Application Set 2: Lift Lantern Lead Way
Combat Application Set 3: Actor-Warrior Appears on Stage
Combat Application Set 4: Second Brother Lifts Caldron
Combat Sequences of Shaolin Tantui -- more
Application Sets of Shaolin Tantui -- more
Cosmos Palm
It is called Cosmos Palm because energy for its internal force is derived from the Cosmos.
Taming-Tiger Set

Different versions of the Taming-Tiger Set are found in a few kungfu styles, including Lohan and Wudang. The best known is from the Wong Fei Hoong's lineage.
2014 — Video
2014 — Pictures
2014 — Taming Tiger Combination Set
2010 — Finland Videos
2010 — Taming Tiger Combination Set
1980s — Video in Australia
Tiger-Crane: 108-Pattern Set

This is a famous Tiger-Crane Set popularized by the great master, Wong Fei Hoong. The version here is practiced in Shaolin Wahnam and includes the appearingly flowery pattern, "Catch Tiger in Mountain".
Shaolin Iron Wire Set

The Shaolin Wahnam version of the Iron Wire Set is inspired by the orthodox version in Wong Fei Hoong’s lineage, but is different from it .
Sungai Petani 2014 — Video
Sungai Petani 2014 — Pictures
Ireland 2012 — Pictiures
Finland 2010 — Video
50 Sequences of Eagle Claw

Eagle Claw Kungfu represents another important legacy from Northern Shaolin. The 50 sequences look simple but their combat applications are profound.
50 Sequences of Eagle Claw Kungfu50 Solo Sequences of Eagle Claw
50 Combat Sequences of Eagle Claw
50 Solo (Fast and Slow) and Combat Sequences of Eagle Claw
Eagle Claw at UK Summer Camp 2009
Overview of Private Pages
Fifty Sequences of Eagle Claw — In Groups
Fifty Sequences of Eagle Claw — Continuously
Drunken Eight Immortals

The "Drunken Eight Immortals" is an amazing set. Some patterns may appear out of form. This is because practitioners of "drunken" kungfu often compromise their form to accomplish certain advantages, like dodging and striking simultaneously, deceptive movements, and tricking opponents.
Praying Mantis Eighteen Collection

Wang Lang, the founder of Praying Mantis, incorporated the best eighteen kungfu features of the time into this set
Praying Mantis in Bern 2010
Fierce Tiger Descends Mountain

While all the four categories of attacks are used, this set focuses on “chin-na”, or gripping vital points, using tiger-claws.
Video of Set
Pictures of Set 2014
Pictures of Set Photos
Pictures of Combat Application
Shaolin Five-Animal Set

The movements and spirit of Shaolin Kungfu are characterized by five “animals”, namely the Dragon, the Snake, the Tiger, the Leopard and the Crane. The Dragon trains “shen” which means the mind, the Snake trains “qi” which means energy, the Tiger trains “gu” which means internal force, the Leopard trains “li” which means strength and speed, and the Crane trains “jing” which means elegance and essence.
Video 2000Video 2005
Video 2016
Combination Set — Video
Shaolin Dragon Form Set

The Dragon is the most majestic of the Shaolin “five animals”, and is noted for the training of “shen” or mind. This set is not spectacular to watch, but is very effective for combat as well as developing qualities like mental freshness and agility that enhance our daily life.
Dragon Form Set 2006 — VideoDragon Form Set 2006 — Pictures
Dragon Form Set 2018 — Video
Shaolin Dragon-Tiger Set

The Dragon and the Tiger are two important forms of Shaolin Kungfu with emphasis on the training of mind and energy respectively. This set is a “pattern-set” (in contrast with a “sequence-set”) as it is made up of individual patterns rather than combat sequences. Exponents need to compose combat sequences from the patterns for effective fighting. In kungfu terminology, pattern-sets are called “mother-sets”, or seed-sets, from which “children-sets” which are sequence-sets are issued.
Dragon-Tiger Set 2006 — VideoDragon-Tiger Set 2008 — Video
Dragon-Tiger Set in Video 2018
Dragon-Tiger Set in Pictures 2018
Performing Dragon-Tiger Set with Form and Force — Video
Combat Application of Dragon-Tiger Set — Video
Dragon-Tiger Set 2009 — Video
Shaolin Monkey Set

The Shaolin Monkey Set has special significance in Shaolin Wahnam because Patriarch Ho Fatt Nam specialized in the Monkey. Grandmaster Wong combined the essence of the Monkey from Patriarch Ho Fatt Nam with another Monkey Set from another Monkey specialist.
Video by Grandmaster Wong 2006
Pictures by Grandmaster Wong 2006
Video by Sifu Roland Mastel 2005
Video by Sifu Nicolas Jones 2007
Video by Grandmaster Wong 2018
Video by Fredrick Chu 2018
Xingyiquan — Five Element Fist

Xingyiquan is sometimes known as kungfu for generals. The fundamental set is called "Five Element Fist", namely piquan (which is a palm strike), zuanquan (spiral fist), bengquan (crushing fist), paoquan (cannon fist), and hengquan (diagonal fist).
Five Element Fist — Video
Five Element Fist — Pictures
UK Summer Camp 2013 — Video
2018 — Video
Five Element Fist Sparring Set or Five Flower Cannon
Xingyiquan — Twelve Animal Forms

The 12 animal forms are dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, alligator, cockerel, hawk, swallow, snake, ostrich, eagle and bear.
Twelve Animal-Form Continuous Fist — Video
Twelve Animal-Form Continuous Fist — Pictures
UK Summer Camp 2013 — Video
Twelve Animal-Form Sparring Set

Baguazhang is famous for its beautiful patterns, agile movement and sophisticated applications.
Baguazhang Circle Walking — Video
Baguazhang Combat Sequences 2014 — Video
Swimming Dragon Baguazhang Set 2013 — Video
Swimming Dragon Baguazhang 2013 — Pictures
Swimming Dragon Baguazhang Set 2012 — Video
64 Combat Applications of Swimming Dragon 2012 — Pictures
64 Palms of Swimming Dragon 2012 - Pictures

Wuzuquan, or Five-Ancestor Kungfu, is famous for profundity in simplicity.
Er-Shi-Quan at Barcelona 2018 — Video
Twenty Punches - Video 2012
Twenty Punches - Pictures 2012
Kicking Leg - Videos 2012
Kicking Leg - Pictures 2012
Wuzuquan Kneading Hands - Videos 2012
Wuzuquan Sparring Set - Videos 2012
Shi Zhan or Practical Fighting Set — Videos
Set Practice and Combat Application of Shi Zhan
Choy-Li-Fatt Twelve-Fist Set

This Choy-Li-Fatt set is very effective for free sparring with or without gloves, especially against other martial arts.
Crushing Fist of Praying Mantis Kungfu
Crushing Fist is a fundamental set of Praying Mantis Kungfu. It is famous for pressing attack and focuses on "hard" force.
108-Pattern Yang Style Taijiquan

In our Wahnam Version of the 108-Pattern Set, the main techniques are practiced both sides. Grandmaster Wong also added a few patterns from the fundamental Taijiquan Thirteen Techniques.
24-Pattern Simplified Taijiquan Set — Cloud Hands Grasp Sparrow

This is the first Taijiquan Set taught in our school and includes all important patterns in Taijiquan.
Video by Sifu Leonard Lackinger
Video by Sifu Manuel Tirado
Pictures by Sifu Manuel Tirado
24-Pattern Simplified Taijiquan Set
Cloud Hands Grasp Sparrow by Grandmaster Wong
Picture Series by Grandmaster Wong
48-Pattern Taijiquan Set
This 48-Pattern Taijiquan Set was created by the National Sports Council of China in 1976, and composed of techniques from Yang Style, Chen Style, the two Wu Styles, and Sun Style. Although this set is not taught in our school, it is explained in Grandmaster Wong's book, "The Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan". A completely revised edition with explanation of all major Taijiquan styles will be published this year (2016).
Combat Application
Sun Style Taijiquan
Sun Style Taijiquan contains the essence of not only Taijiquan but also Baguazhang and Xingyiquan. Can you find Baguazhang and Xingyiquan features in this Taijiquan set?
Wu Chuan You Style Taijiquan
There are two Wu Styles Taijiquan, one from the lineage of Wu Yu Xiang and the other from the lineage of Wu Chuan You. This is Wu Chuna You Style Taijiquan, and is similar to Yang Style Taijiquan.
Wu Yu Xiang Style Taijiquan Set
Besides Wudang Taijiquan, there are five major styles of Taijiquan practiced today, namely Chen Style, Yang Style, two Wu Styles, and Sun Style. The set here is Wu Yu Xiang Style Taijiquan, and is noted for its narrow stances. This Wu Style is sometimes called the Hao Style.
Wudang Cotton Palm
There are two categories of Cotton Palm — the soft and the hard. Wudang Cotton Palm belongs to the soft category.
Three-Harmony Set
This set comprises the essence of Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan.
Wudang Taijiquan

Wudang Taijiquan represents the pinnacle of Shaolin Kungfu, integrating form, energy and mind into one unity. Zhang San Feng called his practice "Shaolin Kungfu"; "Wudang Taijiquan" was a later label.
San Feng Wudang Set in Video 2015
San Feng Wudang Set in Pictures 2015
San Feng Wudang Set in Ireland 2016 — Video
Abridged San Feng Set 2018 — Video
Abridged San Feng Set 2018 — Pictures
Wudang Taijiquan — Videos 2012
Wudang Taijiquan — Pictures 2012
Lohan Walks in the Garden of Timelessness

Lohan Walks in the Garden of Timelessness was composed by Grandmaster Kai Uwe to help course participants remember the patterns taught at the Warrior Project on the Blue Mountain from 15th to 18th March 2009.
Click here to download.
DVD in Ways of the Master
Big Bell Lohan Set

I learned this set from Sifu Ho Fatt Name, the third generation successor from the Venerable Jiang Nan of the southern Shaolin Monastery at Quanzhou.
Click here to download.
Great Majestic Set

This set was taught pattern by pattern, It included "One-Finger Shooting Zen", a treasure of our wchool, Shaolin Wahnam.
Click here to download.
Snake-Cat-Crane Set
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