Irene and her husband
Dear Sigung,
I'm writing to you to express my deep gratitude for all your teachings.
I have the luck of coming across chi kung in 2001, learning chi kung with Sifu Piti in 2004, met you in 2006, see you again in 2007, and again in 2008 with Sifu Rama and Sifu Simon and finally most recently met you again in 2011 with Sifu Tony and Sifu Piti.
There are no words to express the magic, love, peace and calm you and your instructors have brought to my life. For that and more thank you.
I specially want to thank you for the Zen Meditation Course you gave in Venezuela last September. It transformed my life, and from the moment you asked us to stand up, my whole word started changing, even when I didn't know it and my mind was busy thinking, "Is it this all, only a few seconds meditating?"
And then on the day that followed I realized that in those seconds you gave me the biggest present of all, and in that instant when you asked us to stand up I thought/felt/believed/heard "Everything you need you already have it inside." Thank you, it is so powerful.
That following day I also had a big discussion with my husband. We needed it to take many decisions and discussed a lot of things and I became very upset and angry. So I went out of the room and sat in the dining room... and suddenly without doing nothing everything became very clear and I knew what to say and how to solve the problem, and I was not even a bit angry anymore. That amazed me, I couldn't believe it but it was true,
I have learned something inside myself a new way of seeing things, I guess the Zen way :). It was very clear... so much clarity and calm.
It didn't stop there, many many things start happening, beautiful things everywhere all the time.
Then the following week I decided to join Sifu's Tony -- Chi Kung Course Level 1. Although I had taken many chi kung courses I felt it was the right thing to do. I received many presents during the weeks before and after this course when I joined the Tuesday group practices in La Floresta, but these two day I received the most beautiful present with which I'm again purely thankful with you, all the other Sifus, and specially God.
In the last practice of that course day, I kneeled and started praying. I felt so much peace and love. suddenly I realized that beautiful Kwan Yin was in front of me, I was surrounded by water with small waves, and I saw her floating, standing in a lotus flower, she was light, tall, beautiful, and I saw her face and crown. I asked her to forgive me and thanked her while I prayed and prayed.
There is not much to say, but that she is now with me, that I'm finally healthy and out of a deep depression and that I have recovered my faith and life.
Thank you so much dear Sigung. I wish you change many more lives.
From a smiling heart that doesn't find enough words to be grateful,
7th February 2012.

Zen course in Vnezuela