Grandmaster Wong and Michael sparring at the Winter Camp
Hello Everyone!
In the past I've barely ever posted on the forum, despite the growing number of years I've been training these amazing arts. I can't imagine a better time to get off my butt, let go of some insecurity, and share my experiences than after this amazing Winter Camp in Norway. The two go hand in hand.
For me this course started out being about honesty in my kungfu, with the expectation that that would necessarily lead to a greater honesty in my daily life. What are my weaknesses? What is my level of force? How clear is my mind under an element of THREAT? (a powerful theme for me during the course) I wanted to get my ego out of the way and really see where I'm at, and what I need to change to get better.
One thing that I need to change is posting on the forum! The areas of my life with the greatest potential for growth and positive change are the same areas I am afraid to confront. The same is true in my kungfu practice. The easy path is to hyper-focus on what I consider my strengths and turn a blind eye to my weaknesses and insecurities.
Well...I'm just really tired of doing that. I want to break through my insecurities and let go of old fears. My primary objective in attending this course was to begin that process, and acquire the tools I needed to continue it in my personal practice as expediently as possible. For me, the course was an amazing success!
I am not where I want to be in terms of combat efficiency and confidence against other martial artists. However, after this course, I am so much closer than when I started. It is an amazing feeling. Really getting to know my weaknesses (by having them exploited hundreds of times by my loving and forceful classmates) has not made me less confident, but more. After this course I feel empowered!
Sifu has given us the method! All I have to do is implement it. I do not need to worry about whether the method will work for me or not. I already know that it will work. I know because I trust my Sifu and his amazing skill and experience. And I also know by my own experience and growth over these past five days. And finally I know by observation of the growth and progress made by my classmates over these five days. It has been truly amazing to watch and be a part of. An honor.
Many thanks to Markus and Omar for making this course possible and for all their hard work. Thank you so much. And my fifth and sixth ribs on the right side would like to offer an emphatic thank you to Tim for pulvarizing whatever nasty emotional blockage had taken up residence there! I'm pretty sure they're gone for good! (never mind the residual soreness...)
George, it was wonderful to remake your acquaintance Thank you Jeffrey and Roland for, ya know.... EVERYTHING. Angel, Shawn, Sam, Tapio, Michael, and ...Katian?...someday I'll be able to pronounce your name correctly! It was wonderful meeting you all for the first time and sharing this amazing course with you. I'm excited to cross paths again in the future.
And of course the other Floridians! You know who you are.
Most of all, Thank you Sifu for your amazing generosity in transmitting these skills and empowering me to use them to better my kungfu and my life. I will put them into practice better than I ever have before.
Much love and gratitude to everyone in Norway! See you at the next course!
Michael Helgeson

Grandmaster Wong deonstrates a fine point on Michael during the Choy-Li-Fatt Kungfu course