Hubert Razack
Computer Programmer, England

Course Participants

The course participants. From left: Lauren, Jeffrey, Don, Hubert, Karim, Jonathan, Christine, Yixin and Yan Wei

Everyone was lovely, and we ended up with a solid group. -- Hubert Razack

This report by Hubert Razack is reproduced from a post at the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.

March 2004 intensive course report

I promised Mike I would write something about the course, and as this forum has been very helpful in helping me decide to go there, I thought it would be good if I report back from the front.

What can I say, it has been an amazing week, have met some great people, and had the nicest time.


Some explanation before we try our best

We were 8 people, plus a self-invited course junky :

Everyone was lovely, and we ended up with a solid group. (Hopefully we'll keep in touch!).


Some bizarre movements during chi flow

The location (Cinta Sayang resort) is wonderful as well. It was quite a difference to train with Sifu facing a magnificent sunset, in the warm Malaysian weather, when compared to my back garden in the UK

The staff at the resort are all the nicest people, very helpful and always smiling. I can't really comment on food, because I'm not really fussy, and like everything. But based on other people's judgment, it was all great. Jeffrey made sure that we tried the satay outside of the resort, which was delightful. (I'm running out of adjectives now...)

Some great memories:


What happens to a tree after Yixin finally lets go with his chi flow

The course itself:

As you would expect, I recommend everyone to attend such a course. I found it the perfect complement to the regional course. I don't mean that it is merely a nice addition, but - in my case - it consolidates and considerably expands the skills acquired during a regional course.

Quite noticeably, it answered all the questions I was asking myself (and asked on this forum) about my practice (Chi flow without form, directing Chi in the body - consciously or not, ...). I now feel much more confident about what I'm doing, although obviously I'm still an early-stage beginner!

So there you go, all of you who haven't yet considered it, just go and book your tickets

Hubert Razack

panoramic view

A panoramic view of where we train


Courses and Classes