Dominic and Wong Chun Yian, with their eyes close, developing sensitivity in Pushing Hands
Dear Shaolin Wahnam Family and Virtual Kwoon Readers,
What an incredible journey and memorable experience my first visit to Malaysia has been. Three and a half years ago before I started with my Sifu, Sifu Joan, I could never have imagined travelling half way across the world to such a beautiful place like Malaysia and attend a course on such an incredible art.
Back then I suffered from extreme anxiety, chronic blushing, high blood pressure, no confidence and no self belief. I found it difficult to step outside my door because of an extreme fear I had of life and all that was around me.
It has been an amazing journey the last few years with lots of ups and downs and a fare share of cleansing and now I can say at last I am free. This course has certainly but the icing on top of the cake. I am free from all my worries, my health problems and I love life. I feel confident, happy, and content, and at last know how wonderful it is to be alive.
The course was absolutely incredible. Sigungs display of Tai Chi Chuan conjured up much joy, awe and excitement.
Grasping Sparrows Tail and moving in Stances with Grasping Sparrows tail was one of my favourite parts of the course. I loved the flow moving from pattern to pattern and stance to stance and this is certainly something I will enjoy practicing for the future.
The highlight of the course for me was the introduction of some Wudang Tai Chi Chuan. It was beautiful and wonderful to experience the flow directed by Sigung.
The sparring was really enjoyable and moving from partner to partner made me aware of things I need to work on. The sparring towards the end using one combat sequence was very rewarding and I look forward to developing this skill so I can apply it in combat and life. This has giving me the realisation that I need to stick to one work venture, practice it, be confident and apply it until I have success.
The addition of the element of threat and really hitting your opponent has certainly improved my confidence. Starting this part of the course brought up a lot of fear for me but as we progressed it melted away and I really enjoyed the experience. I was hit a number of times and to my surprise I actually didn’t mind. Usually I would not be happy with my lack of defence but now it didn’t matter, I knew I could improve and just enjoyed the experience.
Thank you Sigung for your incredible generosity, guidance and for passing on the wonders of Tai Chi Chuan to us.
Thank you Wei Foong Siguma for your organisation, for the wonderful tours and all your help.
Thank you Chun Yian Sipak for the beautiful meals and for driving us around.
Thank you Sifu for preparing me for this course and for your guidance and teaching over the last few years.
Thanks to Jeffrey Sisook and Robin Sisook for your help and inspiration.
Thanks to all the Shaolin Wahnam Family on the course, it was extremely enjoyable to meet and experience this course with you all.
Can't wait for the next one.
Shaolin Salute,
Dominic Roche
17th April 2012

Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit performing Wudang Taijiquan
The above is reproduced from the thread Intensive Taijiquan Course April 2012