Shaolin Kungfu has an extensive range of amazing and effective techniques
The video clips in this series are dark because they were taken impromptu during the course in the evening when lighting was not ideal for video filming. But they contain invaluable lessons on the superiority of kungfu stances, footwork and techniques over those of Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing.
The choice is to skim them or to show them despite their poor viewing qualities. We choose to show them, leaving the choice to view them or not to the prospective viewers.
If we just discuss techniques, there is no doubt that Shaolin techniques are superior to those of other martial arts. Even the few examples in this video series can justify this claim. But we have no illusion that superior techniques are usually not the decisive factor in combat. Skills are far more important. Hence, despite our superior techniques, a skillful Muay Thai fighter or Kick-Boxer can defeat us. But if we have superior techniques, we shall be more cost-effective in acquiring skills

The superiority of the kungfu stances, footwork and techniques over those of Muay Thai is demonstrated and explained. When you opponent kicks, by shifting your stance he cannot reach you but you can strike his leg. If you stretch out your hand, he cannot move forward without being exposed to your strikes.
The size of the video clip is 1.01 mb.
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A Muay Thai fighter has to move close to execute his powerful knee strikes. But before he can do so, you could have struck him. This is the advantage of the kungfu stances which many kungfu practitioners fail to use, or even realize. If he manages to kick, you shift back your front leg to avoid his kick and simultaneously strike his kicking leg.
The size of the video clip is 1.31 mb.
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When you close a Muay Thai fighter or Kick-Boxer and strike him, he has to move back to escape your strikes. You should chase after him, keeping the close space between you and your opponent. You can do this more efficiently than your opponent because you need to move only one step when generally he has to move two
The size of the video clip is 0.50 mb.
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Grandmaster Wong illustrates the difference between the typical body movement of kungfu and that of a Muay Thai fighter or a Kick-Boxer. When you close a Muay Tahi fighter or Kick-Boxer, he will typically bounce back. But a kungfu exponent may counter-attack using appropriate body-movement.
The size of the video clip is 1.31 mb.
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A skillful kungfu exponent needs not move his legs to avoid your attack. He merely uses body-movement. He can then turn the table around using appropriate kungfu techniques, like breaking your arm and felling you onto the ground. Such techniques are not normally in Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing.
The size of the video clip is 0.79 mb.
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Shaolin Kungfu has an extensive range of techniques, whereas the techniques in Muay Thai, and Kick-Boxing are quite limited. When you have successfully griped the arm of a Muay Thai fighter or Kick-Boxer, he has no techniques in his repertoire to counter you. But the counters from a kungfu exponent are limitless. The counters here, for example, are random and impromptu.
The size of the video clip is 1.18 mb.
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As they do not know the rich and extensive kungfu counters, many kungfu exponents move back when a Muay Thai or Kick-Boxing attacker presses in. This is a big mistake. It is like handing your defeat to your opponent. There are many ways to counter their attacks. This video clip shows some impromptu examples.
The size of the video clip is 1.37 mb.
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Superioriuty of Kungfu Stances, Footwork and Techniques from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
- From Shaolin to Instinctive Fighting to Boxing
- Basic Counters against a Boxer's Jabs
- Chasing after a Boxer's Retreat
- One-Step, Two-Step or Multiple-Step Chase
- Practicing on your Own, then Testing it on your Partner
- Counters against a Boxer's Left Jabs
- Handling Unexpected Attacks Correctly and Spontaneously
- Progressing to Realistic Sparring with a Boxer
- Employing Appropriate Tactics to Defeat a Boxer
- Sticking to a Boxer as he Tries to Bounce Away
- Advantages of the Bow-Arrow Stance over a Boxer's Footwork
- Practicing Numerous Tactics against Boxers
- Handling a Boxer Competently despite his Speed and Size
- Understanding and Implementing Techniques, Tactics and Skills against Boxers
- Countering the Left-Left-Right of Boxers
- Kick a Boxer Whenever he Uses his Right Hand
- Various Tactics to Handle a Boxer
- Attacking a Boxer with a Planned Sequence
- Felling an Opponent as he Attacks with an Undercut
- Various Ways to Fell an Opponent
- Knee Strikes and their Counters
- From Simple Techniques to Sophisticated Patterns
- Why are many Kungfu Practitioners Unable to Counter Muay Thai or Kick-Boxing Attacks?
- Superiority of Kungfu Stances, Footwork and Techniques
- Counters against Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing Attacks
- Effective Tactics and Techniques against Continuous Attacks Mixed with Feint Moves
- How do you Counter Continous Kicks?
- Exploiting the Innate Weaknesses of Kicks to Counter Them
- Throwing an Opponent as he Kicks
- Striking the Attacker as he Attempts a Shoot
- Countering the Shoot when an Attacker has Grabbed you or Pushed you onto the Ground