As soon as a Boxer moves his hand, you can close him and strike him
Besides kicking a Boxer as soon as he uses his right hand, you can also kick him when he uses his left. For convenience, this tactic is called “kick when left”.
There are also other tactics to handle a Boxer. The class goes over the numerous other tactics learnt and practiced in previous lessons, such as closing or opening the Boxer and simultaneously striking him.

This is a progression of the “kick when right” tactic. If your opponent moves back as you kick, chase after him and strike him, taking care to close him as you attack. Various ways of chasing have been dealt with in previous video series.

Participants may close the Boxer as soon as he jabs his right hand, and simultaneously strike him, like what has been practiced earlier. But this “close and strike” tactic is temporarily suspended for the time being, and practicitpants practice the newly learnt “kick when right” tactic.

Another previously learnt tactic, that of “open and strike”, is also reviewed. In this clip the “close and strike” and “open and strike” tactics are used together. As a Boxer jabs with his right hand, close him and strike. If he tries to counter with his right hand, open him and strike.

When a Boxer attacks with his right hand, close him with your left “Wave Dragon Back to Cave” and simultaneously strike him. If his right attack is still far away, like when he throws a right hook, intercept him with “Immortal Emerges from Cave” and simultaneously strike him.

Here is another tactic using kicks. As soon as a Boxer uses his left hand, lean back and kick, follow with strikes, taking care to cover the Boxer as you attack. This is a “kick when left” tactic.

Participants use the “kick and left” tactic in conjunction with other tactics. As soon as a Boxer uses his left hand, kick him. When he moves back, chase after the Boxer, close or open him and strike him. When he uses his left hand again, execute a side kick.
Various Shaolin Tactics to Handle Boxers from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
- From Shaolin to Instinctive Fighting to Boxing
- Basic Counters against a Boxer's Jabs
- Chasing after a Boxer's Retreat
- One-Step, Two-Step or Multiple-Step Chase
- Practicing on your Own, then Testing it on your Partner
- Counters against a Boxer's Left Jabs
- Handling Unexpected Attacks Correctly and Spontaneously
- Progressing to Realistic Sparring with a Boxer
- Employing Appropriate Tactics to Defeat a Boxer
- Sticking to a Boxer as he Tries to Bounce Away
- Advantages of the Bow-Arrow Stance over a Boxer's Footwork
- Practicing Numerous Tactics against Boxers
- Handling a Boxer Competently despite his Speed and Size
- Understanding and Implementing Techniques, Tactics and Skills against Boxers
- Countering the Left-Left-Right of Boxers
- Kick a Boxer Whenever he Uses his Right Hand
- Various Tactics to Handle a Boxer
- Attacking a Boxer with a Planned Sequence
- Felling an Opponent as he Attacks with an Undercut
- Various Ways to Fell an Opponent
- Knee Strikes and their Counters
- From Simple Techniques to Sophisticated Patterns
- Why are many Kungfu Practitioners Unable to Counter Muay Thai or Kick-Boxing Attacks?
- Superiority of Kungfu Stances, Footwork and Techniques
- Counters against Muay Thai and Kick-Boxing Attacks
- Effective Tactics and Techniques against Continuous Attacks Mixed with Feint Moves
- How do you Counter Continous Kicks?
- Exploiting the Innate Weaknesses of Kicks to Counter Them
- Throwing an Opponent as he Kicks
- Striking the Attacker as he Attempts a Shoot
- Countering the Shoot when an Attacker has Grabbed you or Pushed you onto the Ground