July to December 2023

July August September October November December

July 2023

July 2023 (Part 1)

Bodhidharma It has been a long time since we met each other and Christina. My plan is that I shall travel less and make Malaysia my base. There will be some intensive courses..

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July 2023 (Part 2)

Dr Damian Perhaps you can engineer the coating of sugar-coated pills. This coating which does cost much to pharmaceutical companies will be enough money for you to travel.

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July 2023 (Part 3)

Sinew Metamorphosis

In chi kung, the most powerful is "Small Universe". It will also make the practitioner very lucky.

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August 2023

August 2023 (Part 1)

Shaolin Kungfu My family and I are well. We miss you and the time together. We miss the various trips between Italy and Austria. I particularly remember Bolgonia, the other lake where we were together and the time we were there.

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August 2023 (Part 2)

Eugene and Grandmaster Wong Thank you for wishing my family and me Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger with lots of happiness and health.

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August 2023 (Part 3)

Chi Flow

Because of my skills to transfer the attainment of a chi kung state of mind and a chi (or energy) flow to new students, they can attain both the chi kung state of mind and a chi flow within the first hour.

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September 2023

September 2023 (Part 1)

The Buddha Your trip brings back good memories of our California trip, especially when we were at the coast.

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September 2023 (Part 2)

Forceful Big Windmill I am replying immediately. I think you have over-train, but it doesn't matter. The pain will go away.

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September 2023 (Part 3)


Simu, my wife, is quite particular about the world lockdown, but it will be over soon.

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October 2023

October 2023 (Part 1)

chi kung state of mind Remember that what is "low" to us is "high" to other people not in our school. Our chi kung and kungfu take years. It is estimated that what I practiced was more than 10 times a normal student takes in his or her practice in my student's days.

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October 2023 (Part 2)

Chi Flow I just sent some chi to Dr Elsa Lucia Arango. I shall do so tomorrow at 9.00 pm Malaysian Time, and on Tuesday, the 9th February 2022, at 9.00 pm Malaysian Time.

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October 2023 (Part 3)

Grandmaster Wong

Honour your sifu, and pay him 10%. Although Shaolin Wahnam instructors generally follow my instructions, you have to check with him, and pay him when the time is right.

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November 2023

November 2023 (Part 1)

Forceful Big Windmill You can do this. Lift your right hand and form a snake-hand as high as possible. Slowly -- I repeat: slowly -- move your right hand to the back, then downwards. Your circulation must be backward if you look in front.

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November 2023 (Part 2)

Parent We must always be kind to our parents. The Buddha has taught that if one carries his invalid father or mother every day for one lifetime, but no, for 500 lifetimes, he has not repaid the kindness that his father or mother has bestowed on him.

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November 2023 (Part 3)

The Buddha

It may be good to check up with "feng shui" (or energy of the environment). Perhaps she might not agree with some factors of the environment.

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December 2023

December 2023 (Part 1)

Guan Yin Bodh Satt Taijiquan is a scholarly art because age, size and sex are not decisive factors in combat. A Taijiquan practitioner always puts his opponent in a disadvantageous position. One can wear his coat and tie in combat. Of course, he can wear his ordinary clothing.

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December 2023 (Part 2)

Tikal It was great running up the steps of the pyramid and felt like walking up. I remember I was not tired nor panting for breaths.

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December 2023 (Part 3)

4 Beauties

We need to practice every day. But you should practice below your potential. In your regular practice, if you practice the way you did at the regional courses, you will over-train.

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