Chi Flow

Chi Flow

Question 1

Dr Elsa Lucia Arango since yesterday is in a very delicate health condition. Doctors are worry about her, and doing their best to stabilize her system. I wonder if you could send chi to her to make the difference and allow her to live. She is 64 only and helps many people.

— Sifu Rama Roberto, Shaolin Wahnam Costa Rica


I just sent some chi to Dr Elsa Lucia Arango. I shall do so tomorrow at 9.00 pm Malaysian Time, and on Tuesday, the 9th February 2022, at 9.00 pm Malaysian Time.

I can't remember Dr Elsa but I remember that you benefited from the distant chi transmission.

Question 2

I think my brain has been damaged by these chemicals. Is there any way to repair my brain.

— Bala, India


An effective way to repair chemical damage to the brain is to practice chi flow (or energy flow). Have a gentle chi flow, not a vigorous one. Chi flow is the essence of chi kung.

But you have to enter into a chi kung state of mind, and most people fail to enter into a chi kung state of mind, and they don't realize it. They only practice external chi kung form or gentle, physical exercise. Gentle. physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity.

A useful analogy is external Taijiquan form or Taiji dance. They think wrongly they are practicing Taijiquan, but they have no internal force, which contributes to good health, and they cannot use Taijiquan for combat.



Question 3

I have another related question for you. Is there a significant difference between the forces of the various kungfu trainings, namely internal vs external and penetrating force vs other types of forces?

Why is the finger more advanced than say the fist, palms, or other limbs of the body when chi is flowing through them?

— Corwyn, USA


Meditation is the most advanced because it is spiritual cultivation. Most people sit in a cross-legged or even in a lotus position, but myriad thoughts come to their mind.

They are not meditating; they just sit in a cross-legged position or even in a lotus position. They must be relaxed. The more relaxed they are, the better they will become.

One-Finger Shooting Zen is the next advanced. That was how I got my internal force. In One-Finger Shooting Zen, the finger is more advanced than the palm. The fist is the least advanced.

Other advanced arts are Cosmos Palm, Cotton Palm and Golden Bell.

Internal force is more powerful than external strength. This has been proven many times. Internal force is not just for One-Finger Shooting Zen, Cosmos Palm, Cotton Palm and Golden Bell, but contributes to good health, vitality and longevity.

When one uses internal force, the finger is more advanced than the palm or the fist because it is concentrated. One-Finger Shooting Zen is not only powerful in the finger but also the hold body. I have used One-Finger Shooting Zen in my healing. I may not know what diseases I have healed, but it works wonders.

Question 4

Do you think that some older masters of the zen finger could really penetrate glass, wood, flesh, and armour with the force of their chi from a distance and without physical contact? Do you know these masters names?


The next advanced is penetrating force, where a master can cause damage without touching. The three most advanced are One Finger Zen using the finger, the Hitting a Buffalo Beyond a Hill using the palm, and Miraculous Fist using the fist.

Some masters can penetrate glass, wood, flesh and armour with the force of their chi from a distance without physical contact. I do not know these masters' names.

But when I was training with my sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third generation master from the southern Shaolin Monastery at Quanzhou, he personally told me that when he was young he found a master who could transmit his chi along a low wall. He could hit a lantern without any wind, and the lantern moved. He tried his One-Finger Shooting Zen about a few feet from the old master, and the old master could feel the effects.

I was not present at the Hitting a Buffalo Beyond the Hill and the One-Finger Shooting Zen, but I could believe my sifu, because my sifu never lied.

You will benefit a lot and also save much time if you attend my Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course. Many students can distinguish a candle flame behind glass. I don't know when I can offer the course, but meanwhile read The Wonderful Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course and check my website for details.

Shaolin Kungfu

Shaolin Kungfu

Question 5

I hope this finds you well. I have some general philosophical questions concerning our arts, if you would be so kind to answer or explore them with me.

In general I am interested in the lifespan/longevity/physical appearance of individuals who achieve high levels of accomplishment in kung fu, chi kung, and zen.

— Artem, USA


I am very well

Thanks God and all divine beings, I haven't been sick for 50 years, and I shall live beyond 100.

We understand the lifespan or longevity or physical appearance of individuals who achieve high levels of accomplishment in kung fu, chi kung, and Zen.

They are different arts. A Zen master, for example, may not know kung fu, but his Zen life leads him to a ripe old age.

Question 6

They say Buddha gave up 20 years of his life "for his students". What does this mean? Is it interpretable on more than one level? Did he work harder than he knew his qi body should in order to wander the physical earth and teach? Did he give up 20 years worth of his life energy in order to transmit qi and bless and awaken his assembly? Did he die 20 years before his time in order to ensure an earlier dharma transmission and therefore the quicker rise of new leadership in the assembly?


The Buddha gave up 20 years of his life "for his students". He could live further and contribute to society. It could be interpreted in more than one level. Should he worked harder, he could teach. He gave up his lifespan before his time to ensure an earlier dharma transmission. But his life on earth has been worthwhile.

Distant Chi Transmission

Distant Chi Transmission

Question 7

Shunryu Suzuki was an eminent and esteemed Zen master in the lineage of Dogen. His books have changed my life and deepened my practice. But the man died of cancer in his 60s! You always say that 60 is a ripe, old age. This is true.


Shunryu Suzuki did not use his knowledge or powers phenomenally so that others can live their lives. It was possible that he chose not to apply his meditational and chi kung techniques to extend his life. It was also possible of his complete non-attachment. Other ancient masters did so if they were unattached.

Question 8

You were awarded Master of the Year in Chi Kung.


I have overcome cancer and other so-called "incurable" diseases. In 1997, more than 20 years ago, I was awarded "Chi Kung Master of the Year" because of my work in cancer and also because of my work in distant chi transmission.

In the same congress in Chicago, Zhang Li Da was awarded "Scientist of the Year" because of her convincing report on cancer cure.

Traditional Chinese Medicine works on different principles than Western Medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, when there is chi (or "qi" in Romanized Chinese), there is life, as the universe is composed of chi.

If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.



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