Parents, taken from
Question 1
Thank you Sifu for all your advice to improve my family life.
— John, Ireland
We must always be kind to our parents. The Buddha has taught that if one carries his invalid father or mother every day for one lifetime, but no, for 500 lifetimes, he has not repaid the kindness that his father or mother has bestowed on him.
Question 2
I am not sure if I remember the form of Carrying the Moon correctly at 100%. So I might stick to Lifting the Sky!
— Alonso, USA
It is good to mix the two exercises, "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon".
For "Carrying the Moon", stand upright but be totally relaxed. Bend your head forward so that you are slightly beyond your knees. Pause for a little while. It is about a second.
Then bend backwards with your hands outstretched, past your head and form with your thumbs and index fingers (past your head) the sign of the moon. Pause for a little while. It should be about 2 seconds.
Straighten yourself and drop your two hands at the sides. The hands should be straight but not locked. Pause a while for about 2 seconds
Repeat the procedure for about 12 to 15 times.
If you practice "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon", you may not have to see your doctors and your medication.

Carrying the Moon
Question 3
I was told some worrying things about Valium by my doctor, although she wants me to keep taking it. Am I correct by thinking that chi kung does protect me from unwanted side-effects? I was also told about an atrophy in my brain that makes me think that it is better to ask you.
Don't worry about Valium and the atrophy, but you have to continue your medication until your doctor asks you to stop. In fact you should stop worrying.
Continue your "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon" without worrying. Be totally relaxed and be focused.
Question 4
I have some tension that arises in my body and it affects my thoughts too. It is as if I became very stiff from inside. Relaxing and smiling from the heart helps, but it has not gone away completely. What can I do?
If you feel some tension that arises in your body and it also affects your thoughts, a good way is to smile from your heart and send a blessing to whoever you like.
If you become stiff from inside, a good way is to have a chi flow. "Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon" is to prepare you to have a chi flow.
If you feel like moving, move. If you feel like dancing, dance. When you have a chi flow, you can overcome diseases, including anxiety and schizophrenia.
Start today. Think of good thoughts for yourself and others.

Dr Steffen and Sifu Roeland in "chin-na" course
Question 5
Is it okay to continue practicing both exercises as if today or should I stick to one from now on?
"Lifting the Sky" and "Carrying the Moon" are meant to prepare you for a chi flow. When you have a chi flow, you can overcome diseases.
Most people practice gentle, physical exercise; and gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity.
A good analogy is Taiji dance or Taiji external forms. They do not have internal force and cannot use their Taiji forms for combat.
Both the "chi kung" practitioners and the Taiji external forms partitioners have not entered into a higher state of consciousness.
Question 6
You generously shared the following with me regarding "Dragon Strength" course.
— Dr Steffen, Germany
"Dragon Strength", as you know, is my favourite. There can be many methods of "Double Dragon Emerges from Sea" though most people practice their external forms.
You should try dragon force, lightning speed and "dim mark", which are generally considered lost arts by the public. It was wonderful that I could teach these arts during the "Dragon Strength" course. Remember to take out the injury after you have inflicted damage using these arts.

"Embracing the Sun" in "Dragon Strength" course
Question 7
Can we develop the Art of Cosmos Palm from the correct practice of "Double Dragon Emerges from Sea" like described above?
You cannot develop Cosmos Palm using "Double Dragon Emerges from Sea". You need to perform "Forceful Windmill" or similar arts.
It is a wonder why many people think of age, size and sex as decisive facts. A 30-year young man is generally considered a better fighter than a lady 80 years old.
But not one with internal force, as we have proven many times in Shaolin Wahnam. A lady 80 years old is stronger and fitter than a 30-year young man.
Question 8
Thank you very much for all your hard work in spreading health and happiness irrespective of race, culture and religion throughout the world!
I pride myself in giving health and happiness to people irrespective of race, culture and religion.
You too will give health and happiness to people irrespective of race, culture and religion when you become a Shaolin Wahnam instructor.
But we must always speak from the position of strength and teach only the deserving.
Selected Reading
- Learing Chi Kung, Kungfu and Chinese Medicine from Books
- Is it Necessary a Have a Chi Flow after Practicing a Chi Kung Technique?
- History and Philosophy of 108-Pattern Yang Style Taijiquan
- Against Heavier as well as Lighter Weapons
- Taming Tiger Big Trident