Shaolin Four Gates

A profound pattern in the set

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates
Four-Gate Greetings Amitabha Palm Sequence 1
Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates
Sequence 1 Sequence 1 Sequence 2
Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates
Sequence 2 Sequence 2 Modify Footwork
Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates
Sequence 3 Modify Footwork Sequence 4
Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates Shaolin Four Gates
Sequence 4 Sequence 4 Sequence 4

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption. Click the bottom right corner for enlarged viewing.

Learning Shaolin Four Gates in an Hour! from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.


Four Gates at UK Summer Camp 2008

Click here for an Overview of the entire course

Cross-Roads at Four-Gates Pages

Courses and Classes