How would you counter if an opponent grips your arm and simultaneously strike your throat?
What would you do if an opponent grips your arm with one hand and simultaneously strikes your throat with his other hand? Many people would be caught by surprise and not know what to do. There are many ways to counter this.
But whatever counter you may use, you must have practiced it beforehand, so that if a real situation arises, you just implement the counter without thinking and without hesitation. One effect way is to counter with a horn punch, simultaneously releasing the opponent's grip and brushing away his strike with a cloud hand,
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Cloud Hand and Horn Punch in Shaolin Tantui to Counter Chin-Na and Thrust Strikes from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
1. The Secret of Internal Force Training
2. Experiencing the Effects of Deviated Practice
3. Basic Footwork Training
4. From Correct Movement to Speed and Elegance
5. Various Ways of Turning
6. Adding Hand Forms to Stances to Form Patterns
7. The Mechanics of "Fa-Jing" or Explode Force
8. “Bo-Fa” and "Shen-Fa" or Footwork and Body-Movement
9. The Three Harmonies of Legs, Body and Hands
10. Tantui Sequence 1 -- Thrust Punch
11. The Three Fs -- Form, Force and Flow
12. Every Kungfu Session is a Training of Energy and Mind
13. Simple in Appearance but Profound in Application
14. If you Use a lot of Kicks, you should also Know their Counters
15. It is Necesary to have an Element of Threat in Combat
16. Counters against Formidable Muay Thai Knee Jabs
17. Against Shoots, Against Throws, and Felling Opponents
18. Learning Tantui Sequences 1, 2 and 3
19. Learning Tantui Sequences 4, 5 and 6
20. Learning Tantui Sequences 7, 8 and 9
21. Learning Tantui Sequences 10, 11 and 12
22. Applications of Single Spread and Breaking Lock
23. Breaking Almost any Lock with the Breaking Lock Technique
24. The Richness of Tantui Combat Applications
25. Second Brother and White Horse
26. An Effective Sequence against Boxers
27. Three Harmonies in Tantui Combat Sequence One
28. White Horse Returns Head
29. Adjustments and Modifications in Varied Situations
30. Effective Techniques against Boxers
31. Combat Skills against Boxers
32. Applying the Tactics of Covering and Chasing against Boxers
33. The Unbelievable Effectiveness of Tantui Combat Sequence One
34. Old Elephant Drops Tusk in Tantui Combat Sequence Two
35. Rising Dragon Galloping Tiger
36. Combing Sequences in Combat Training
37. Importance of Skills in Applying Combat Sequences
38. Some Effective Skills for Combat
39. Three Rings Around Moon in Tantui Combat Sequence Three
40. Applying Chin-Na and Countering Chin-Na
41. Solo Performance to Enhance Combat Efficiency
42. Simple in Solo Performance, Profound in Combat Application
43. Counter against the Formidable Muay Thai Knee Jab
44. Felling an Opponent without Throwing Him
45. Tantui Combat Sequences One, Two and Three in Combat Application
46. Chopping Firewood and Hook Thrust in Combat Sequences Three and Four
47. The Technique of Double Spread in the Pattern Carry Moon in Bosom
48. Reviewing Combat Sequences 4, 5 and 6 in Solo Practice and in Partner Combination
49. Sounding the Bell to Handle Fast, Continuous Strikes
- 50. Using a Nail Kick to Counter a Whirlwind Kick
51. Cloud Hand and Horn Punch against Chin-Na and Throat Strike
52. A Little Jump as a Trick
53. Striking your Opponent Before he Realizes with Shooting Spear at Yun Pavilion
54. A Technique to Counter an Chin-Na or Gripping Attacks
55. A Hand Technique to Counter any Hand Attacks and a Leg Technique to Counter any Low Kicks
56. Amazing Combat Functions in Combat Sequences 7, 8 and 9
57. Countering any Attacks and Tempting an Opponent into a Trap
58. Continuous Attacks of Combat Sequence 10
59. Pressing Attacks with Continuous Spring-Kicks
60. Picture-Perfect Form in Planned Sequence of Pressing Attacks
61. Two Sophisticated Felling Techniques in Combat Sequence 11
62. Arresting Horse and Kicking Carriage
63. Taming Tiger and Striking Rock
64. Solo Practice of Combat Sequences 10, 11 and 12
65. Using Tantui Patterns in Free Sparring, especially against Boxing
- 66. Questions and Answers, and Handling Kick-Boxing