Many Taijiquan practitioners have heard of the expression "movement from the waist", which is a very important principle in Taijiquan, but few really know how this principle is put into practice. The video clips in the first section show how you can, and should, perform Taijiquan with movement from the waist.
This waist-movement principle is crucial in attaining the three external harmonies of feet, body and hands. With the three internal harmonies of "jing", "qi" and "shen", which are "elegance of movement", "energy flow" and "presence of mind", they form the six harmonies, which should be applied in every pattern you perform, thus making Taijiquan alive.
The various patterns, shown in the video clips in the second section, are linked into a set called "White Crane Flaps Wings".
Rotation of Waist from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
White Crane Flaps Wings from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
We would like to express our thanks to Sifu Riccardo Salvatore and Carlos from Shaolin Wahnam Portugal for recording these videos.
Introductory Wahnam Taijiquan Couruse in Poetugal
1. Fundamental Movements in Taijiquan
2. Pushing Hands and Striking Hands
3. Kicks and Felling Techniques in Sequence Sparring
4. Elegance and Flow in Taijiquan
5. General Survey of the Course
6. Four Abridged Taijiquan Combat Sequences
7. Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set