When there is form, strike the form
Besides the techniques worked out by the course participants themselves for use against Boxers, there are many other effective ones. All the movements in the video series are impromptu and not pre-arranged.
Hence, if any kungfu practitioner cannot spar against a Boxer, it is not due to a lack of effective kungfu techniques. It is probably due to his lack of a systematic sparring methodology. If he wishes to remedy this situation, he can get a lot of ideas and material from the few video series here.
He needs not attempt all the techniques shown in these video clips. He will probably get better result by focusing on just two or three and practice them well. A good approach is to practice in solo each chosen sequence of techniques about 50 times a day for six months. Then he applies them on a friendly sparring partner who poses as a Boxer. When he can handle his sparring partner well, he may try his techniques on a real Boxer.
It is of utmost importance that when he spars with a Boxer, he must put into application the techniques he has ardently practiced for six months. Needless to say, if he discards these techniques at a time when he is supposed to use them, and uses Boxing or free-style fighting instead, he would be easily beaten by the Boxer. Yet, for some odd reasons, many people do exactly this.
Many Kungfu Techniques against a Boxer
Actually there are many effective kungfu techniques against a Boxer, though many kungfu practitioners may not realize it, or else they would not throw away their kungfu for Boxing in sparring. One must need approrriate skills to execute these techniques well.
When there is Form, Strike the Form
Here is an effective way to fight a Boxer by using the tactic of “when there is form, strike the form; when there is no form, chase the shadow”.
The principle of “when there is form, strike the form; when there is no form, chase the shadow” against a Boxer is employed. A good tactic in this form of attack is to break the opponent's arm.
Using a side kick and a thrust kick against a Boxer as he attacks is a good technique, irrespective of what attacks he makes!
Using strikes against a Boxer are also effective. First the kungfu expoent uses a palm thrust. Then he uses a sideway thrust punch. It employs the tactic of “long against short”.
A kungfu expoent can use a throwing technique combined with gripping vital points against a Boxer. There are no techniques in Boxing to counter throws and grips, simply because these forms of attacks are not allowed in the sport. Hence, if you employ throws and grips against a Boxer, you are attacking his weakness.
Variety of Shaolin Kungfu Techniques against Boxers from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
1. Stances: the Foundation for Internal Force and Combat Efficiency
2. Footwork Secrets for Health, Efficiency and Elegance
3. Moving into a Same Direction using Different Ways to Gain Advantages
4. Picture-Perfect Forms and Flowing Movements
5. From Random Fighting to Patterns, and from Patterns to Sequences and Sets
6. One-Step Sparring to Develop Combat Skills
7. From Pre-Arranged Sparring to Guided Sparring
8. Using Techniques and Tactics in Sparring
9. The Five Basic Kicks
10. The Secrets of Side Kicks and Continuous Cannons
11. How You may Defeat Opponents Experienced in Random Free Sparring
12. How Would a Fragile Girl Counter a Powerful Sweeping Kick from a Muay Thai Fighter?
13. Shaolin Felling Techniques and their Defences
14. Safety First Before Executing Felling Techniques
15. From Combat Sequences to Free Sparring
16. Sixteen Combat Sequences and Five Kungfu Sets
17. Surprise your Attacker with a Counter-Attack
18. Working out Ways to Fight a Boxer
19. Effective Tactics and Techniques against Boxers
20. From Gross Outline to Fine Details
21. Exploiting Advantage to Clinch Victory
22. Variety of Kungfu Techniques against Boxers
23. Analysis of Techniques Used against Boxers
24. Using Shaolin Kunfu against Boxing in Free Sparring
25. Effective Shaolin Tactics and Techniques against Kick-Boxing
26. Shaolin Kungfu against Kick-Boxing in Free Sparring
27. How to Handle a Karate Exponent
28. How to Handle a Taekwondo Exponent
29. How to Handle a Wrestling Exponent
30. Understanding the Typical Attacks of Muay Thai Fighters
31. Grandmaster Ho's Secrets in Countering Muay Thai Fighters
32. First Avoid Defeat, Then Secure Victory
33. Counteroing the Elbow and Knee Attacks of Muay Thai Fighters