Chi Kung 2019, Complimentary Chi Kung 2010, Complimentary Shaolin 2010

Lifting the Sky in an Intensive Chi Kung Course
5 Dec 2019 Penang
Carrying the Moon
Self-Manifested Chi Movement
Attaining a One-Pointed Mind
Developing Internal Force with Pushing Mountain
Pusing Mountain Away Using Chi
Platinum Chi Kung to Overcome Illness
Cosmic Shower -- Cleansing and Nourishing for Spiritual Cultivation
Prascticing Chi Kung Without any Chi Kung Techniques
Intensive Chi Kung Course: 4-8 December 2019 -- Overview
Complimentary Chi Kung 2010 Chi Flow for Health, Vitality and Longevity
Lifting the Sky to Generate a Chi Flow
Lifting the Sky -- the Most Popular Chi Kung Exercise
Chi Kung at Deeper Levels
Sinew Metamorphosis, a Very Powerful Chi Kung Exercise
With Flowing Energy You can Perform any Activity Without
Feeling Tired and Without Panting for Breaths
Using Flow to Perform your Daily Activities
Attaining a Sen Mind to Solve Problems
Complimentary Chi Kung Course 2010 -- Overview
Complimentary Shaolin 2010 Complimentary Shaolin Kungfu Course 26-27 Sept 2010 -- Overview
Introduction to Complimentary Shaolin Kungfu Course and Chi Flow
Lifting the Sky for Health and Triple Cultivation
Double Dragons to Let Energy Flow
Double Dragon to Consolidate Intermnal Force
To Develop Intermnal Force for Martial art and Daily Living
Performing any Activity Without Feeling Tired and Without Panting for Breaths
Fa-Jing or Exploding Force using Black Tigerr Steals Heart
Some Basic Shaolin Patterns
Chi Flow for Health, Combat Efficiency and Spiritual Cultivation

Guard against Opponent Hitting You with Jabs and Crosses
Lift Hand, Niot Just Push Aside Opponent's Attack
Close Opponent Adequately to Prevent his Further Attack
Using Technical Speed against a Boxer
A Boxer has a Reach Technically Longer than
in Shaolin Kungfu
How to Catch an Opponent's Arm
Covering and Striking an Opponent
Giving an Opponent No Chance to Attack You
A Boxer has No Counters against Felling Techniques
Have Fun with Break Fall
Stepping on Opponent's Foot to Prevent Him Running Away
How to Counter an Opponent's Upper-Cut
How to Counter a Hook
Holding an Opponent and Bringing him to the Ground
Using Kicks against a Boxer
How to Fell an Opponent
How to Handle an Opponent Bouncing Around
Counters against Opponent who Frequently Kicks