26-27 SEPT 2010 -- OVERVIEW

One-Finger Shooting Zen in Wuji Stance
- Introduction to Complementary Shaolin Kungfu Course and Chi Flow
- Lifting the Sky for Health and Triple Cultivation
- Double Dragons to Let Energy Flow
- Double Dragons to Consolidate Internal Force
- To Develop Internal Force for Martial Art and Daily Living
- Performing any Activity Without Feeling Tired and Without Panting for Breaths
- Fa-Jing or Exploding Force using Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Some Basic Shaolin Patterns
- Chi Flow for Health, Combat Efficiency and Spiritual Cultivation
- Covering Opponent's Jabs and Crosses
- Guard against Opponent Hitting you with Jabs and Crosses
- Lift Hand, Not Just Push Aside Opponent's Attack
- Close Opponent Adequately to Prevent his Further Attack
- Using Technical Speed against a Boxer
- A Boxer has a Reach Technically Longer than in Shaolin
- How to Catch an Opponent's Arm
- Covering and Striking an Opponent
- Giving an Opponent No Chance to Attack You
- A Boxer has No Counters against Felling Techniques
- Having Fun with Break Fall
- Stepping on Opponent's Foot to Prevent him Running Away
- How to Counter an Opponent's Upper-Cuts
- How to Counter a Hook
- Holding an Opponent and Bringing him to the Ground
- Using Kicks against a Boxer
- How to Fell an Opponent
- How to Handle an Opponent Bouncing Around
- Counters against Opponent who Frequently Kicks

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