Participants at the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course of January 2006. Seated besides Grandmaster Wong is Sifu Ronan Sexton of England (left) and Sifu Mark Appleford of Schotland (right).
The following discussion is reproduced from the thread 2006 Intensive Kungfu Course - Live (Almost) started in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum on 2nd February 2006.
Shaolin Wahnam England
15th February 2006
Hi guys, I arrived home yesterday. I've been taking the training easy for the last week, mainly “Lifting the Sky” and stretching. Mainly because the cleansing has been quite strong, for example my feet were swollen for a while.
I've been looking at the videos we received of the course and it's very extensive and useful, seeing as I've forgotten a lot of the sequences.
My moves have become a lot more forceful which I didn't expect.
Before the course I didn't have a good grasp of what force was as I hadn't done any sparring. From sparring with everyone on the course I can now see the difference in everyone's level. It was a very surreal experience to have my ideas on strength turned on its head. The large guys weren't necessarily more powerful and the girls weren't necessarily weaker. Some arms were a struggle to move and others were easier. But I could notice an improvement in them towards the end.
On the first day after my chi flow while listening to Sifu Wong talk, I noticed that everything was getting very vivid. I found the yellow of Sifu Wongs clothes and the blue of the pool were becoming too intense. Almost like the sun was getting too close. Then I felt a rush up to my eyes and I lost my eyesight for a second and fell over. I stood up and I suddenly had a lot of sweat on my face and later some friends said I was very pale. I felt that I had lost a weight behind my eyes.
During stance training in the mornings I had very severe shaking so much so it was hard to keep the form sometimes. Sifu Wong said tissue cleansing was happening and if we were doing Eagle Spreads Wings than we could think of our dan tian so the shaking became less and we could keep our balance.
On the last day Sifu Wong told us that we had been sparring for two hours and that we're not out of breath or tired. In fact we had more energy.
I spent a lot of time trying to remember the sequences. If I knew these beforehand I feel I would have been able to take away a lot more from the course. I guess I'll just have to go again. (Smile) Yeah the course was really great.
Shaolin Wahnam USA
16th February 2006
Hey Alex,
Sorry to hear the cleansing has been rough, but it will make you stronger. (Smile) We missed you in Langkawi... I don't know if you were still there to witness Adam getting himself attacked by monkeys. Fortunately, he survived.
I too realized on this course what the nature of internal force is and how my small size means very little when going up against larger opponents. I guess before the course began, I was beginning to become frustrated with my stance training. I thought it wasn't going anywhere and that I wasn't getting any stronger. Boy, I was wrong. I'm glad I persevered in that aspect of my training.
Once I saw how it affected by kungfu for the better, it gave me renewed motivation to go back and continue training without worry and enjoy where it's taking me. Of course, it helped to hear all of Ronan's encouraging words which will keep me training day in and day out. Well I hope you're getting on okay, and I'm sure when you're done cleansing, you'll find your skills even better than they were at the end of the course.
Hubert, thanks for posting that lovely photo - it's a big happy bunch of folks. I'll have to print myself a copy!
As for me, I may the last straggler here in Malaysia. I'm off to Taiwan tomorrow, then home to start saving my pennies for the next course. (Smile) Well, wherever you all are, I wish you well and good training (speaking of which... it's getting to be about that time for me).
Cheers y'all!!

Size and sex are not important factors in genuine, traditional Shaolin Kungfu where internal force is involved, as evident in a sparring session here between Mohammad of Shaolin Wahnam England and Franciskus of Shaolin Wahnam Indonesia at another Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course in Malaysia
Shaolin Wahnam France
16th February 2006
Quote. Originally posted by Joko ,br> “Nice photo, would you mind pointing which one is yours?”
Hi Joko,I'm in the top row, on the far left. With a glowing bald head and some white Thai top - but no red trouser, sadly. (Smile)
The photo was taken just after the last session. As Jeffrey rightly pointed, you can really feel a genuine enthusiasm. Everyone is glowing!
This is actually something that always fascinates me with Sifu's courses: people litterally transform during the course. We should have taken this same group photo before the course, and then compare the two. The difference is often incredible!
Shaolin Wahnam France
16th February 2006
You Are A Gift Full Of Light
I am sorry but I couldn't write anything before my coming back in France. Please accept my apologies.
I will not contribute more on this thread as George and others have already done a wonderful work. My personal experiences will certainly be 'discarded' in other threads, from time to time.
But I feel the need to thank from my heart all those who have contributed to make that course in Malaysia a wonderful, challenging, insightful and once again life-changing experience.
First of all my eternal thanks to Sifu for sharing with us the wonderful Arts of Shaolin. We students of Shaolin Wahnam are extremely lucky to inherit such wisdom, knowledge and to be able to walk a path of Light and Love. Thank you from the Heart Sifu.
Dear Simu, thank you for your kind smile and for making Sifu such a happy man.
Dear Wei Foong, you are a true sister, an inspiration and, like I told you, a 'perfect Shen'; it has been wonderful to see you again.
Extra special thanks to my Sihings Ronan and Mark, whose kindness in providing us help and support, as well as sharing their experiences has been of great help.
Ronan Sihing: I finally found the only man in the world who loves Milo more than I do. (Laugh)
Mark Sihing (no, you can't escape my ?Sihing' word here): you know that we will meet again, even if you still are Scottish. Nobody's perfect (Laugh). From the Heart, thanks for everything.
And to all my warrior brothers and sisters from worldwide:
George: my non-English non-Russian brother, this goes especially for you: a very big Smile.
Nick: I simply just loved sparring with you (I also loved your no-shadow kick in my groin, but surprisingly would not like to try again.)Molly: ah, my favourite nasty girl. See you soon for another Pressing sparring, good girl!
Wuji: you are the impossible melting-pot of Shaolin and Wudang; the reunification is in your merciful hands.
Chris: stop laughing while sparring with me big guy!
My two favourite Australians: guys I appreciate your style and your friendly spirit, in sparring as well as in daily activities. Extra thanks for sharing that Hung Gar Dim Mak with me.
Daniel: It was good to see you again in Georgetown. And don't forget: don't throw your stances away brother! (no, I won't tell what is your favourite weapon, as long as you don't tell what mine is; a true brother's secret!!!)
Johnattan: nice to repeat sequences with you, when close to the frying point. And of course I agree with your ultimate statement: ?yeah I think this course is great!'
Adam: stop bouncing baby (and I'll open my mouth), you crazy American. Done? Now YOU da man, Gee! (ps: what happened with those monkeys?)
Jordan: Rooaaarrrr!!! Now I listen to the Big Laughing Tiger!
Warren and Leroy: my dear brothers, your spirit is reflected in your kind smiles and sparkling eyes. It was a pleasure to share that adventure with you. See you in a near future.
And of course, last but not least, my dear brother Hubert: thanks from my Heart for your patience and kindness with me. You know that I appreciated it so much. I look forward more and more sparring with you soon (but no more jokes when it's time to go to bed, you know my crazy laugh now ). The smoothest Dragon on earth. French connection is in the house, baby!
Dear brothers and sisters, I was just thinking, isn't the path we are walking a wonderful one? What about our achievements in 10 years from now? In 20 years? Well, we will share our experiences then, besides having shared happiness around us during all those years!
I Smile At You With A Friendly Face
My Eyes Are Full Of Emotion
A True Family Of Brothers And Sisters
Sharing The Warrior Path Of Compassion
Avoid all evil, do good, purify the mind --The Buddha
Goodness begets goodness, evil begets evil -- Great masters' teaching
And I would like to add a kind thought for our brother Daniel who is still in Georgetown for a few more days, alone, unfortunately in a bad hotel with unsafe surroundings.
Shaolin Salute my brother
P.S. My last night in Georgetown ended on a beautiful beach, such a scenic place that Daniel just couldn't help but cry like a little baby. I couldn't stop him, besides trying to tease his ego with the 'You are not a woman' type of words. Just kidding (Laugh)
Ooops Dan, I promised (Smile), now the duel is open. (Smile)
Avoid all evil, do good, purify the mind --The Buddha
Goodness begets goodness, evil begets evil -- Great masters' teaching
Part 1: Covering Six Months' Material in Just Six Hours
Part 2: Some Special Advantages of Wahnam Training
Part 3: The Previous Days are All Starting to Emerge into One
Part 4: Practicing Shaolin Kungfu as Taijiquan
Part 5: Your Defeat you Hand to your Opponent, Your Victory you Create Yourself
Part 6: The Frying Point
Part 7: Amazing Experiences of Internal Force
Part 8: I Couldn't Have Asked for a More Wonderful Experience