JUNE 2023 PART 3

Question 1
I still continue my daily practice in kung fu with the same happiness of 12 years ago.
— Claudio, Italy
I called you "Troy" because of a mix-up of somebody's name in Australia.
Kungfu is a joy. Those who couldn't use it for combat must be missing a lot. But it is not for combat which rarely happens, it is for daily living.
Chi flow and Lifting the Sky are wonderful. I practice them almost every day.
It was indeed a great blessing that my sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam who is now with the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion as Golden Boy. No wonder he is so youthful.
Question 2
Thank you for your teaching, wisdom, generosity, and all the very, very hard work you've done and continue to do, which has brought so much to so many for so long.
I am very glad that all is exceedingly well with you, as always, and hope you have been enjoying your year and are looking excitedly forward to the year to come.
— Sifu Kristian Staev, Shaolin Wahnam USA
It is normally a joy to practice chi kung. It will also bring you good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. One of the best things anyone can do is to practice genuine chi kung.
It is better if you can share your arts. You can start teaching, but you have to practice first. A good way is to start with Lifting the Sky, Pushing Mountain and Carrying the Moon. Follow these with a chi flow. You can change the order of your practice if you like, but you must have a chi flow after the exercises. You will feel happy. Practicing the three exercises, followed with a chi flow is the normal way we practice.
Once a while, perhaps once a week, you can practice any one of the three exercises. You can practice Lifting the Sky, or Pushing Mountain, or Carrying the Moon, and then follow with a chi flow. The time for each session is about 10-15 minutes. About 10-15 minutes is sufficient. Others have to practice for an hour. But our chi kung is powerful, and about 10-15 minutes is sufficient.
You can regulate the time of practice. Once a week when you practice just one exercise -- Lifting the Sky or Pushing Mountain or Carrying the Moon -- you can do so more slowly. It is important to have a chi flow. Chi flow is very important. It is during the chi flow that the benefits of chi kung go to you. In other words, it is during the chi flow that you have good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one.
You should practice about two sessions a day -- once in the morning and once in the evening or at night. It is good to practice at about the same time.
After that you can start teaching.
Question 3
I hope you and your family are happy, healthy, and doing well.
— Nareshwar, India
Chi kung is treating me very well. My wife and I just had three doses of vaccination, and we are doing fine.
My children who are now adults are doing fine as we all practice chi kung. At present we are confined to our house as we can't travel freely. This is for the protection of the people.
You can ask me any questions.
Those who practice chi kung need not worry about vaccination. I learned this years ago. My third sifu or master told me to spread chi kung far and wide. You should practice chi kung from me and can check my website which is at
I have four sifus, and he is the third one, the grandmaster of the Shaolin Monastery in Quanzhou. My first sifu was the patriarch of Hoong Ka Kungfu and known as Uncle Righteousness.
My second sifu was the treasure of the People's Republic of China. My fourth sifu was the patriarch of Wing Choon Kungfu. They were all well known in Malaysia as I searched for my sifus except the first one.
Question 4
How accurately does Quantum Physics replicate the spiritual world?
I don't know much about quantum physics but I learned a lot from a student while I started my world travels. She suffered from cancer, and she told me that as long as she practiced my chi kung, she would continue to live. At first I thought she exaggerated, but later I found she said the truth. She recovered from cancer.
I also have saved many lives. They learned chi kung from me.
There are many so-called "incurable" diseases in Western medicine. But Western pharmaceutical companies and Western doctors who have patients suffering from these so-called "incurable" diseases can sugar-coat their pills, which is easier than learning chi kung. They can be spiritual and materialistic wealthy.
Question 5
Can you tell us about "jin", "qi" and "shen"?
Quantum physics deals with the materialistic world; it does not deal with the spirit or consciousness.
We are made from components, namely "jin", "qi" and "shen" in Chinese, or the materialistic body, energy and mind in English. The materialistic body is taken care of, but energy and mind are not.
Energy is "qi" and mind is "shen" in Chinese. I have tried to instil into people the concept of "qi" and "shen" although they are not normally aware.
Because I have more than 100 classes I can transmit these skills in my intensive chi kung courses. This was also the reason why my third sifu asked me to spread the Shaolin arts. Other masters do not have more than 100 classes; they normally have their classes follow them.

Grandmaster Wong when he was young. Looking on in the middle was Uncle Righteousness
Question 6
How does energy (chi/prana) interact with the cells in your body to produce these changes of healing?
Chi kung follows traditional Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine "jin", "qi" and "shen" are very important concepts. Material medica is important, but the concepts of "jin", "qi" and "shen" are more important.
air As I have more than 100 classes a year, I can transmit the skills of "qi" and "shen" to my students. In an intensive chi kung course, students can get "qi" and "shen" within an hour. If they do not get "qi" and "shen" before the end of the course, they don't have to pay their training fee which is the only fee they have to pay. Of course, they have to pay for their airfares, lodging and things they buy.
Question 7
Does regular practice of any chi related art help repair and revert the Thymus Gland? This gland is very important for producing T Cells, and it's commonly accepted that due to the fact it rapidly declines with age; elders are more prone to illness. Does proficiency in internal energy replenish this organ?
Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine work on different principles. Western medicine is excellent when the disease-causing agents are known, and when there is a cure.
When "qi" and "shen" (or energy and mind) are not known, there is a problem. Western doctors usually treat the symptoms. As traditional Chinese medicine works on "jin", "qi" and "shen", I can transmit them -- i.e, "jin", "qi" and "shen" -- readily.
Traditional Chinese medicine and chi kung treat the person, not the disease. There is no such a thing as an incurable disease in traditional Chinese medicine and chi kung, including the Thymus gland.

Question 8
We are simply multicellular organisms, a result of many moving parts working together. Yet, it's believed that cells aren't conscious or intelligent. At what point do multicellular organisms become conscious?
If the spiritual world can exist without things like quarks, leptons, cells, etc, why is that our world (the material world) needs to have them?
"Jin", "qi" and "shen" are very important concepts in Chinese thinking. The cells are conscious or intelligent. Hence in chi kung, multicellular organisms are conscious, and they have "jin", "qi" and "shen".
Chi kung is rare, and was rare in the past. It is important that the chi kung master knows "jin", "qi" and "shen", and that multicellular organisms are conscious or intelligent. Most people practice gentle, physical exercise, and gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity.
Our world is spiritual, and these things like quarks, leptons and cells are present, or at least they are present in Western science. You may like to read "In Quest of Cosmic Reality" which is found at It is not an easy read, but it is worth all the effort.
If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.
Selected Reading
- The Unbelievable Intensive Chi Kung Course
- Chi Kung for Peak Performance
- The Difference between Taiji Dance and Taijiquan
- Ultimate Aim of Shaolin Kungfu and Taijiquan
- The Weight of Weapons