Asvaghosha, picture taken from
This is an interpretation and commentry of the great work by Bodhisattva Asvaghosha on "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana". The original version in Sanskrit is lost; only the Chinese version remains.
It is on attaining Cosmic Reality. Before I wrote "Way of the Master", I considered "In Quest of Cosmic Reality" my masterpiece. There are no illustrations in the manuscript.
The chapters of the manuscript are as follows:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Cosmic Quest
- Chapter 2: Before the Quest Begins
- Chapter 3: Adoration
- Chapter 4: Prelude to Asvaghosha's Great Work
- Chapter 5: Attaining Eternal Bliss
- Chapter 6: Principle and Significance of One Mind
- Chapter 7: Transcendental and Phenomenal Reality
- Chapter 8: The Void is Full of Consciousness
- Chapter 9: Types and Levels of Enlightenment
- Chapter 10: Widsom, Miracles and Enlightenment
- Chapter 11: Transformations into Phenomenal World
- Chapter 12: Reincarnation and Karma
- Chapter 13: Thousand Worlds from a Single Thought
- Chapter 14: Illusion of Phenomenal World
- Chapter 15: Overcoming Ignorance and Defilement
- Chapter 16: Why the World Appears as an Illusion
- Chapter 17: Towards Cosmic Realization
- Chapter 18: Benign Influence of Cosmic Reality
- Chapter 19: Cosmic Evolution and Individual Soul
- Chapter 20: Triple Body, Quantum Fields and Shadow Matter
- Chapter 21: The Buddhist Doctrine of Emptiness
- Chapter 22: Nirvana and Cosmic Reality
- Chapter 23: Various Ways of Spiritual Cultivation
- Chapter 24: Spiritual Cultivation through Faith
- Chapter 25: Understanding and Insight, Not just Faith
- Chapter 26: Insight and Metaphysics
- Chapter 27: Four Faiths and Five Perceptions
- Chapter 28: Meditation, the Essential Path
- Chapter 29: Insight Meditation
- Chapter 30: Buddhism and Modern Science
- Chapter 31: Blessings to All Beings
- Chapter 32: From Samsara to Nirvana
Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit
23 December 2019, Sungai Petani