This is the first of a series of online lessons to help you win free sparring competitions.
Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win a hundred battles out of a hundred. We shall therefore first examine some free sparring competitions.
The video below is reproduced from two video clips taken from YouTube showing an international Karate and an international Taekwondo competition.
Karate and Taekwondo Free Sparring Competitions at International Levels from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
What can you learn from examining these two videos?
Here are some important points:
- The combatants do not defend themselves.
- They do not use the techniques of their art; they merely punch and kick wildly.
- They have no stances; they bounce about.
Knowing these points, how would you fight these combatants?
- If you attack them systematically, taken care of your own safety as you attack, they would be unable to defend themselves.
- If you use Double Dragons Technique, they would be unable to punch you. If you avoid their kicks and fell them immediately, they would have no defence against your prepared counter attack..
- If you use stances, you would have a big advantage over your opponents
Wong Kiew Kit
22nd October 2012
Sungai Petani.