Intensive Taijiquan Course in Penang 2012

History and Philosophy of Taijiquan
Differentiating Yin-Yang and Stance Training
The Major Stances
The Art of Flexibility
Moving with Elegance and Efficiency
Grasping Sparrow's Tail
Footwork and Body-Movement
Moving to Different Directions
Increasing the Speed of Taijiquan
Fa-Jing or Explode Force
Ingenious Method of Pushing Hands
Techniques and Tactics in Pushing Hands
Intensive Taijiquan -- Secret -- Taijiquan 02 The Left-Hand Mode
Free Offers in Combat
Six Hormonies and Moving to Opponent's Back
The Tactic of Continuous Attack
Proactive and Reactive Tactics
Deflecting Force without Moving Away
Intensive Taijiquan -- Secret -- Taijiquan 03 Yang Style Taijiquan
From Pushing Hands to Striking Hands
Executing and Defending against All Strikes
A Pattern to Defend against any Kick!
Felling Technique and Marvelous Counter
Secrets in Countering Various Grips
Four Prreparations and Three Arrivals
Secrets 1, 2 and 3: White Snake Shoots Venom
Sequence 4 -- Use Sequences in Combat

A Taste of Wudang Taijiquan
Combat Sequence 5: White Crane Flaps Wings
Combat Sequence 6: Striking Tiger Poise
Combat Sequence 7: Thrust Kick
Top Secret in Winning Combat against Most
Other Martial Artists
Combat Sequences 8 and 9
Black Bear Sinks Hips -- Pattern, Sequence or Set
Intensive Taijiquan -- Secret -- Taijiquan 05 The Shoot and the Mount
An Effective Technique to Counter any Pin-Down
Various Pin-Down Positions
Counter at Second Point of Time -- Plucking Coconut
It is Easy to Counter the Shoot -- if you Have been Properfly Trained
Combat Sequence 10 -- Shoulder Strike
Combat Sequence 11 -- Cloud Hands
Combat Sequence 12 -- Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
How Not to Fight with an Opponent
Use your Taijiquan in Combat
Covering a Boxer Adequately
It is Easy to Fell a Boxer
It is Even Easier to Fell Kick-Boxers!
How to Handle Muay Thai Fighters

History and Philosophy of Taijiquan
Differrentiating Yin-Yang and Stance Training
Major Stances in Wahnam Taijiquan
Art of Flexibility in Wahnam Taijiquan
Moving with Elegance and Efficiency in Wahnam Taijiquan
Grasping Sparrow's Tail -- the Mechanics of Taijiquan
Footwork and Bidy-Movement in Wahnam Taijiquan
Various Techniques in Moving to Various Directions
in Wahnam Taijiquan
Increasing the Speed of Taijiquan
Fa-Jing or Explode Force in Wahnam Taijiquan
Ingenious Method of Pushing Hands in Taijiquan
Techniques and Tactics of Taijiquan Pushing Hands
The Left Hand Mode in Taijiquan
Free Offers in Combat
Six Harmonies and Moving to Opponent's Back in Taijiquan
Tactic of Continuous Attack in Wahnam Taijiquan
Proactive and Reactive Tactics in Wahnam Taijiquan
Deflecting Opponent's Force without Moving Away in Wahnam Taijiquan
Yang Style Taijiquan
From Pushing Hands to Striking Hands in Wahnam Taijiquan
Executing and Defending against All Strikes in Wahnam Taijiquan
A Pattern in Wahnam Taijiqan to Defend against any Kick!
Felling Technique and Marvelous Counter in Wahnam Taijiquan
Secrets in Wahnam Taijiquan in Countering Various Grips
Four Preparations and Three Arrivals in Wahnam Taijiquan
Combat Sequences 1, 2 and 3 of Wahnam Taijiquan
Combat Sequence 4 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Green Dragon Shoots Pearl
Cloud Hands of Taijiquan
A Taste of Wudang Taijiquan

Crane Flaps Wings
Combat Sequence 6 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Striking
Tiger Poise
Combat Sequence 7 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Thrust Kick
Top Secret in Winning Combat against Most
Other Martial Artists
Combat Sequences 8 and 9 of Wahnam Taijiquan
Black Bear Sinks Hips -- Pattern. Sequence or Set
Wahnam Taijiquan against the Shoot and the Mount
An Effective Technique in Wahnam Taijiquan to
Counter any Pin-Down
Various Pin-Down Positions
Counter at Second Point of Time -- Naughty Monkey Plucks Coconut
It's Easy to Counter the Shoot -- if you Have been Properly Trained
Combat Sequence 10 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Shoulder Strike
Combat Sequence 11 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Cloud Hands
Combat Sequence 12 of Wahnam Taijiquan -- Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
How Not to Fight with an Opponent using Wahnam Taijiquan
Use your Taijiquan in Combat
Covering Boxers Adequately using Wahnam Taijiquan
It's Easy to Fell Boxers with Wahnam Taijiquan
It's Even Easier to Fell Kick-Boxers using Wahnam Taijiquan
How to Handdle Muay Thai Fighters using Wahnam Taijiquan