Shaolin Praying Mantis

The Praying Mantis Hook

This was a comprehensive course where all important aspects of Praying Mantis Kungfu were taught. The Eighteen-Lohan Art, which is instrumental in developing internal force in Northern Shaolin styles, was taught the first time in our school. Just a few techniques were shown here. The secrets of the form-flow-force approach, or the flow method, were explained.

Eighteen-Lohan Art and the Flow Method

Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Lohan Worships Buddha Rhinoceros Looks at Moon Golden Leopard Trains Claws
Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Hungry Tiger Charges at Prey Chi Flow Praying Mantis Hook
Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis Shaolin Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis Hook Secret of Internal Force Importance of Relaxation

Please click the picture or the caption below to view the video

18 Lohan Art and Flow Method from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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