Wing Choon Kungfu

After taking Sifu Mark down, Sifu Robin pin him down with an arm lock using the pattern "Lazy Man Smokes Pipe"

Course members learn some wrestling attacks and their counters. Sifu Robin demonstrates how to take down an opponent with a shoot or a lift, and pin him on the ground using the patterns "Frog Crouching on Ground" and "Lazy Man Smokes Pipe".

Grandmaster Wong explains that these moves are for sports. Using such attacks in real fights would be suicidal. Sifu Mark shows how you may tear out the throat or the groin of the attacker.

Course participants have a lot of fun practicing these techniques. To some it is the first time practicing wrestling moves.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
The Shoot The Lift Slow Motion
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
The Pin-Down Control Opponent's Hands Tear out Throst
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Tiger Crouch on Ground Tear Throat or Groin Plucking Coconut
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Class Practice Class Practice Class Practice

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