Wing Choon Kungfu

Jeroen applies Butterfly Palms to counter Max' double grips

Grandmaster Wong makes the attack situaion more difficult. Now he applies a double grip on an opponent's arm instead of a single grip on his elbow as in the previous series. If the opponent is slow, he pulls him onto the ground. How would you counter this double-grip chin-na technique. Again the course participants come out with excellent counters. At the end Grandmaster Wong demonstrates using Butterfly Palms to counter the double-grip chin-na attack.

Please click the pictures below to view the videos

Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Chin-Na Technique Chin-Na Technique Felling Opponent
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Palm Strike Sinking Bridge
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Butterfly Palms Palm Strike
Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu Wing Choon Kungfu
Butterfly Palms Butterfly Palms Chi Flow

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