29th June to 5th July 2010

Grandmaster Wong and Dr Damian demonstrating some combat application
Chi Flow, Zen and Stance Training
- Chi Flow and Standing Zen
- Developing Internal Force and Mental Clarity
- Two Crucial Steps in Stance Training
Principles and Practice of Footwork
- The Art of Flexibility
- Footwork is Often More Important than Techniques
- Stepping Forward and Gliding Forward
- Agile and Stable at the Same Time
- Being Fast Without Consciously Attempting to be Fast
- Turning to Different Directions in Numerous Ways
The Six Harmonies
- Shaolin Hand Forms
- The Three External Harmonies of Feet, Body and Hands
- The Three Internal Harmonies of Essence, Energy and Mind
Fa-Jing and Direct Counter
Developing Combat Skills
- Linking Patterns into a Set
- Moving In and Right Spacing
- Developing the Skills of Counter-Striking and of Judgment
- Secrets of Single Tiger Emerges from Cave
- Different Responses for Attacks from Different Heights
Learning Combat Tactics
The Mechanics of Moving In
- The Advantages of Using a Poise Pattern
- Asking the Way
- The Crucial Last Step in Moving In
- Making Footwork Adjustment
Solidity and Agility
- Stance-Training Poises to Develop Internal Force
- Get the Form Correct and be Relaxed
- Yin-Yang Harmony of Solidity and Agility
Some Important Combat Principles
- Half a Step Back, and Half a Step Forward
- Going Beyond the Surface of a Simple Attack
- Tempting your Opponent to Break your Arm
- Seventy Percent of Victory Comes from the Legs
- Subtle Hand Movements of Shaolin Kungfu
- Don't Give Free Offers to your Opponents
Breath Control and Moving In
- Lohan Asks the Way
- The Magic Formula of Form-Flow-Force
- The Importance of the Last Step when Moving In
- Various Modes and Steps in Moving In
- Using Different Leg-Modes for Tactical Advantages
Combat Sequences 1 to 4
- Combat Sequence 1 - Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Footwork Constitutes 70% of Victory
- Combat Sequences 2 and 3 - Poisonous Snake and Precious Duck
- Combat Sequence 4 - Hang a Golden Star
- Continuing from One Sequence to Another
The Magic Formula of Form-Flow-Force
- Our Shaolin Wahnam Treasure -- One Finger Shooting Zen
- Employing Form-Flow-Force to Generate Internal Force
- Generating Internal Force by Performing a Kungfu Set
Combat Sequences 5 to 8
- Combat Sequence 5 - Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
- The Secrets of Pressing Attacks
- Combat Sequence 6 - Dark Dragon Draws Water
- Beauty of Shaolin Combat Application
- Do Not Use Strength!
- Five-Step Formula and Two-Step Formula
- Combat Sequence 7 - Chop the Hua Mountain
- Combat Sequence 8 - Horizontally Sweep a Thousand Armies
From Pre-Arranged Sparring to Free Sparring
- The Tactic of Pressing Attacks
- The Magic Formula of Addition and Subtraction
- Changing Leg Modes and Bridging Gaps
- One-Finger Shooting Zen and Bridging Gaps
- Changing Steps and Various Leg Modes
- Various Combinations of Combat Sequences
- Adding and Subtracting Patterns to Confuse Opponents
- Conditional Free Sparring
Using Tactics to Secure Victory
- Following Through and Pressing Attacks
- Overwhelming Opponents with Sequence Sparring
- Intercepting an Opponent's Response
- The Secrets of Hiding Flower in the Moon
Combat Sequences 9 to 12
- The Side-Way Tiger-Tail Kick
- Combat Sequence 9 - Happy Bird Hops up Branch
- Combat Sequence 10 - White Horse Presents Hoof
- How to Stop Pressing Attacks
- Opening or Closing an Opponent
- Combat Sequence 11 - Yellow Bird Drinks Water
- Combat Sequence 12 - Naughty Monkey Kicks at Tree
- One Pattern against All Kicks!
- Conditional Free Sparring Using Combat Sequences 1 to 12
Combat Sequences 13 to 16
- Combat-Sequence Set 2 - Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
- Combat-Sequence Set 3 - Happy Bird Hops up Branch
- Combat Sequence 13 - Fell Tree with Roots
- The Deadly Organ-Seeking Kick
- Combat Sequence 14 - Lead Horse Back to Stable
- Combat Sequence 15 - Farmer Hoes Rice Field
- Combat Sequence 16 - Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain
Handling Boxers
- How to Cover a Boxer Adequately
- Great Advantage of the Bow-Arrow Stance
- The Tactic of Close-Chase-Strike
- Locking Both Arms of an Opponent
- White Monkey Holds Branch against Undercuts
- Intercepting Hooks with Double Bows
- Avoid the Mistake of Conditioned but Unnecessary Moving Back
Against Kick-Boxing and Muay Thai
- Felling Kick-Boxers When They Kick
- The Tactic of Avoid and Fell
- Excellent Counter against Muay Thai Knee Jabs
- Fascinating Application of Planting Willow in Front of Camp
- Countering Muay Thai Attacks Progressively
- Ensure Adequate Coverage when Moving in to Attack
Who Says there is No Ground-Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu?
- Who Says there is No Ground-Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu
- Counters against Various Pin-Downs
- Countering a Wrestler in the Progress of his Attack
- Counters against the Shoot at the Initiate Stage
- Using Shaolin Kungfu in Free Sparring

Grandmaster Wong demonstrates a counter against the shoot