Lion Dance

A majestic Lion on a mountain top

This is the North America team, consisting of Sifu Michael Chow as the Lion Head, Sifu Joe as the Lion Tail, Sifu Mark as the drummer, Sifu Charles as the cymbal-man, and Sifu Anthony Spinicchia as the gong-man. The apparatus for the dance drama is improvised. As the legs of the top table come to the very edges of the lower table, they need to be held for safety. In an actual competition where the apparatus is specially made, there is no need for helpers to hold the table or any apparatus.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Kungfu Greetings Lion Greetings Kicking Three Stars
Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Showing Majesty Triple Jumps Leaping up Mountain
Lion Dance Lion Dance
Testing for Safety Drinking from Stream
Lion Dance Lion Dance
Capturing Green Spreading Prosperity
Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Rolling on Ground Lion Greetings Kungfu Greetings

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

Shaolin Wahnam North America Performance from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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