Lion Dance

Sifu Nick leaps up onto two tables

A Lion is very agile. It leaps onto its stances, it leaps in the air and it leaps onto formations. A formation is a meaningful arrangement of tables, benches, jars, poles and other apparatus to represent mountains, cliffs and other phenomena for the Lion to explore and conquer. Appropriate percussion music accompanies the Lion. When it emerges from its den, rolling thunder drumming is used. Then it changes to majestic drumming or leisure drumming with a great variations of music patterns.

Please click the pictures or the captions to view the videos

Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Leaping onto Stance Leaping in Air Leaping onto Tables
Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Leaping onto Tables Rolling Thunders Majestic Drumming
Lion Dance Lion Dance Lion Dance
Leisure Drumming Rolling Thunders Three Stars

You can view all the above video clips by clicking the picture or the caption below

Leaping Lion with Variety of Percussion Music from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.



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