6th to 12th January 2009
Penang, Malaysia

Grandmaster Wong demonstrating a counter against a wrist-grip
- The Basics
- Important Skills and Techniques to Cover Opponents and to Bridge Gap
- New Skills to Enhance Combat Efficiency
- What Makes a Master Different from a Novice
- Pressing Attacks and their Counters
- Some Important Considerations When Applying Pressing Attacks
- Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
- Revealing Secrets Hidden in the Open
- Tactic of No Defence Direct Counter
- Legacy of Uncle Righteousness
- Anticipating Opponent's Response and Tricking him to React the Way we Want
- Excellent Sequence for Pressing Attack or as Follow-Through When Opponent Hesitates
- Applying Pressing Attacks and Responding with Interceptions
- Avoiding Defeat and Clinching Victory in Pressing Attack
- Two Deadly Kicks -- Organ-Seeking and Whirlwind
- Shaolin Kungfu is Rich in Felling Techniques
- Fun in Breaking Fall
- It is Fun Seeing Dainty Ladies Throwing Hefty Men Around
- Effective and Multi-Directional Felling Technique
- Good Footwork and Body-Movement while Hiding Flowers in the Sleeves
- Over the Shoulder Throw in Farmer Hoes Rice Field
- Compassionate Attack in Pushing instead of Striking
- Three External Harmonies of Footwork, Body-Movement and Hand Technique
- Four Cambat Sequences to Develop Combat Skills
- Four Sequences in Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Combat Sequence Set of Four Main Kicks
- Four Felling Techniques in Fell Tree with Roots
- Good Footwork in Overcoming All Four Categories of Attack
- Making Modifications in Planned Sequence
- Advantages of Planned Sequences Over Isolated Attacks
- Neutralizing the Speed of a Boxer
- Tactic of Cover, Chase and Strike
- Against Hooks, Undercuts and Surprised Kicks
- A Kick-Boxer Hands You his Defeat
- Countering at Different Points of Opponent's Attack
- Countering at the Completion, Middle, Initial and Pre-Start Points of an Opponent's Attack
- Defeat is What You Hand to an Opponent
- Marvelous Techniques of Shaolin Ground Fighting
- How to Win a Hundred Battles Out of a Hundred
- Series of Attacks in Muay Thai Fighting
- Using Minimum Force to Follow Momentum of Muay Thai Fighters
- How would You Counter Formidable Knee Jabs?
- Scholar Exchanges Greetings to Release Neck Grips
- Legacy of Patriarch Ho Fatt Nam
- Countering a Series of Muay Thai Attacks at Various Points
- The Shoot and the Lift in Wrestling
- Shaolin Counters against the Shoot at the Initial, Medial and Final Stages of Attack
- Counters against the Lift at the Initial, Medial and Final Stages of Attack
- Who Says there is No Ground Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu
- Shaolin Counters against Wrestling Pin-Downs
- Counters against Pin-Downs are Full of Surprises
- Shaolin Counters against Dagger Attacks
- Shaolin Counters against Taekwondo Kicks
- Principles and Techniques against Kicking Attacks
- Excellent Pattern against All Kicks!
- Shaolin Counters against Karate
- Shaolin Counters against Judo and Aikido
- Shaolin Kungfu is their Inevitable Choice in Free Sparring

It is fun seeing dainty ladies throwing hefty men around