6th to 12th January 2009
Penang, Malaysia

Shaolin Kungfu

Grandmaster Wong demonstrating a counter against a wrist-grip

Please click on the topics to enter

  1. The Basics
  2. Important Skills and Techniques to Cover Opponents and to Bridge Gap
  3. New Skills to Enhance Combat Efficiency
  4. What Makes a Master Different from a Novice
  5. Pressing Attacks and their Counters
  6. Some Important Considerations When Applying Pressing Attacks
  7. Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
  8. Revealing Secrets Hidden in the Open
  9. Tactic of No Defence Direct Counter
  10. Legacy of Uncle Righteousness

  11. Anticipating Opponent's Response and Tricking him to React the Way we Want
  12. Excellent Sequence for Pressing Attack or as Follow-Through When Opponent Hesitates
  13. Applying Pressing Attacks and Responding with Interceptions
  14. Avoiding Defeat and Clinching Victory in Pressing Attack
  15. Two Deadly Kicks -- Organ-Seeking and Whirlwind
  16. Shaolin Kungfu is Rich in Felling Techniques
  17. Fun in Breaking Fall
  18. It is Fun Seeing Dainty Ladies Throwing Hefty Men Around
  19. Effective and Multi-Directional Felling Technique
  20. Good Footwork and Body-Movement while Hiding Flowers in the Sleeves

  21. Over the Shoulder Throw in Farmer Hoes Rice Field
  22. Compassionate Attack in Pushing instead of Striking
  23. Three External Harmonies of Footwork, Body-Movement and Hand Technique
  24. Four Cambat Sequences to Develop Combat Skills
  25. Four Sequences in Black Tiger Steals Heart
  26. Combat Sequence Set of Four Main Kicks
  27. Four Felling Techniques in Fell Tree with Roots
  28. Good Footwork in Overcoming All Four Categories of Attack
  29. Making Modifications in Planned Sequence
  30. Advantages of Planned Sequences Over Isolated Attacks

  31. Neutralizing the Speed of a Boxer
  32. Tactic of Cover, Chase and Strike
  33. Against Hooks, Undercuts and Surprised Kicks
  34. A Kick-Boxer Hands You his Defeat
  35. Countering at Different Points of Opponent's Attack
  36. Countering at the Completion, Middle, Initial and Pre-Start Points of an Opponent's Attack
  37. Defeat is What You Hand to an Opponent
  38. Marvelous Techniques of Shaolin Ground Fighting
  39. How to Win a Hundred Battles Out of a Hundred
  40. Series of Attacks in Muay Thai Fighting

  41. Using Minimum Force to Follow Momentum of Muay Thai Fighters
  42. How would You Counter Formidable Knee Jabs?
  43. Scholar Exchanges Greetings to Release Neck Grips
  44. Legacy of Patriarch Ho Fatt Nam
  45. Countering a Series of Muay Thai Attacks at Various Points
  46. The Shoot and the Lift in Wrestling
  47. Shaolin Counters against the Shoot at the Initial, Medial and Final Stages of Attack
  48. Counters against the Lift at the Initial, Medial and Final Stages of Attack
  49. Who Says there is No Ground Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu
  50. Shaolin Counters against Wrestling Pin-Downs

  51. Counters against Pin-Downs are Full of Surprises
  52. Shaolin Counters against Dagger Attacks
  53. Shaolin Counters against Taekwondo Kicks
  54. Principles and Techniques against Kicking Attacks
  55. Excellent Pattern against All Kicks!
  56. Shaolin Counters against Karate
  57. Shaolin Counters against Judo and Aikido
  58. Shaolin Kungfu is their Inevitable Choice in Free Sparring