Grandmaster Wong uses his shoulder to fell Sifu Roland onto the ground while Sifu Roland tries to attack with a Wrestling throw
After learning the Eight Distilled Combat Sequences, participants at the Frankfurt Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course of June 2008 applied them against opponents using other martial arts, like Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Muay Thai and Wrestling. The video clips here record some of these lessons. The lessons showing the Eight Distilled Combat Sequences, however, are not shown here.
Special Issue 1: How you can Apply Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing

It is quite shocking that today many kungfu practitioners, even including some masters, think that kungfu patterns cannot be used for fighting! At best, they think that even if one uses kungfu patterns for fighting, they are not as effective as Boxing or Kick-Boxing. Hence, it is common today that kungfu practitioners may perform kungfu patterns beautifully in solo, but when they have to spar or fight, they discard their kungfu and bounce about using Boxing or Kick-Boxing. The fact is that kungfu patterns are exceedingly effective for combat.
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Special Issue 2: How you can Apply Shaolin Kungfu against Kick-Boxing

Having learnt how to handle a Boxer, handling a Kick-Boxer is not difficult. Technically, it is like handling a Boxer who also kicks. Whenever he kicks, strikes his kicking leg and immediately move in to strike his body. A good way to handle the fast punches of a Kick-Boxer is to intercept them, cover his hands, and move in to strike him. As he punches, just life up your front arm to deflect his punches. You should deflect his punches from the “out-side” so that you can easily cover his two hands.
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1. Applying Shaolin Kungfu against other Martial Arts

It is actually amusing to find many kungfu practitioners, including some masters, thinking that kungfu techniques are not as effective as Boxing or Kick-Boxing for combat. Hence, they discard kungfu patterns for Boxing or Kick-Boxing in their sparring. The reason, of course, is not that kungfu is combat inefficient, but that these kungfu practitioners do not know how to apply their kungfu for combat. In the Shaolin Kungfu Course in Frankfurt in June 2008, course participants spent some time applying Shaolin techniques against opponents using Boxing, Kick-Boxing, Muay Thai and Wrestling.
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2. Applying the Tactic of Chase, Cover and Strike against Boxers

There are so many Shaolin techniques that can be effectively used against Boxers. The Shaolin techniques chosen here are relatively elementary. More sophisticated techniques like felling and chin-na are not used. Yet, these elementary techniques are adequate to handle a Boxer competently if you are skillful. The tactic shown here, which is excellent against Boxers, is “Chase, Cover and Strike”. You chase a Boxer so that you are at close-quarters, cover his hands so that he cannot rain punches on you, and continuously strike him.
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3. Effective Shaolin Techniques and Tactics against Kick-Boxing

Today, almost irrespective of the martial art they practice, many martial artists fight like Boxers and Kick-Boxers. Hence, if you wish to be combat efficient, you need to handle Boxers and Kick-Boxers competently. A good tactic against Kick-Boxers is to strike their legs whenever they kick. Another good tactic is to fell them onto the ground after their kick but before they can adequately recover their balance. Some Kick-Boxers may use knee jabs, as in Muay Thai. Some good counters against knee jabs are shown in the video series too.
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4. Intercepting Fast Punches and Striking Kicking Legs

A strong point of Boxers and some Kick-Boxers is their fast punches. But it is not difficult to intercept their punches and counter-strike if you know how. When you close a Boxer, he may bounce away, in which case you “chase, cover and strike”. But when you close a Kick-Boxer, he may respond with a sweeping kick. An effective counter is to sink back, strike his leg, then shoot forward to strike him continuously. You may also fell him onto the ground.
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5. Shaolin Counters against Sweeping Kicks and Knee Jabs

Many people find sweeping kicks and knee jabs formidable. An important rule is not to block such attacks, which are very powerful and may result in your blocking hand being fractured. Then, what should you do? A good counter is to avoid the sweeping kick or knee jab and strike the kicking leg at the same time. If you are close, you may strike his groin as he lifts his leg to attack, or fell him onto the ground.
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6. Handling Kick-Boxers and Muay Thai Fighters

Handling Boxers is relatively easy. There are many useful tactics against Boxers, one of which is “Chase, Cover and Strike”. Once we can handle a Boxer well, proceeding to handling a Kick-Boxer is not difficult. A useful tactic is to strike his leg whenever he kicks. A Muay Thai fighter, however, is quite formidable. Amongst his many attacks, you must be able to counter his knee strikes and neck grips.
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7. Counters against Knee Strikes, Elbow Strikes and Elbow Dislocations

Knee strikes and elbow strikes are effective in close-quarter fighting. Muay Thai fighters use these attacks frequently. The video clips here show some effective counters against these attacks. Another formidable attack is to dislocate an opponent's elbow. A suitable time to apply this technique is when an opponent executes a skyward cannon punch or a upper-cut. Interestingly, the skyward cannon punch is also an effective counter against this elbow dislocation attack.
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8. Effective Ways to Handle Boxers

Many people find it hard to fight against Boxers because they are fast in their punches. But it is quite easy to handle them if you know how. A useful tactic is to cover their hands so that they cannot punch, and strike them continuously. If they try to escape by bouncing away, chase them closely. Make sure you cover their hands as you close in.
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9. Counters against Kick-Boxing and Wrestling Attacks

An excellent tactic against Kick-Boxers is to strike their legs whenever they kick. If they employ rapid punches, intercept their punches, cover their hands and continuously strike them. A shoot is a very unwise attacking move. Move back a step to avoid the attacker's momentum, and strike his head. If he manages to grip you, an effective counter is “Fierce Tiger Crouches on Ground”.
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10. The Eight Distilled Combat Sequences

Our basic 16 combat sequences are distilled into 8 sequences. The themes of the 8 distilled sequences are as follows. 1. Three-Level Attacks; 2. Side Attack; 3. Continuous Attacks; 4. Double Kicks; 5. Whirlwind Kick; 6. Felling Attack; 7. Chopping Attack; 8. Chin-Na.
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Selection from Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course in Frankfurt of June 2008
- Special Issue 1: How you can Apply Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing
- Special Issue 2: How you can Apply Shaolin Kungfu against Kick-Boxing
- Applying Shaolin Kungfu against other Martial Arts
- Applying the Tactic of Chase, Cover and Strike against Boxers
- Effective Shaolin Techniques and Tactics against Kick-Boxing
- Intercepting Fast Punches and Striking Kicking Legs
- Shaolin Counters against Sweeping Kicks and Knee Jabs
- Handling Kick-Boxers and Muay Thai Fighters
- Counters against Knee Strikes, Elbow Strikes and Elbow Dislocations
- Effective Ways to Handle Boxers
- Counters against Kick-Boxing and Wrestling Attacks
- The Eight Distilled Combat Sequences