A simple chin-na attack
- Importance of Mind Training and Force Development
- Applying Strategies and Tactics in Effecting Chin-Na Techniques
- More Sophisticated Shaolin Chin-Na Techniques
- Following Opponent's Movements in Chin-Na Attacks and Counters
- How to Subdue Opponent with Chin-Na even when he Knows the Counter
- Chin-Na Techniques for Dislocating Wrists
- Some Examples of Chin-Na Combat Sequences
- Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
- Three Points of Time to Counter Chin-Na Attacks
- Countering Sophisticated Chin-Na Techniques
- Successful Application of Chin-Na Attacks and Three Points of Counter
- Good Timing and Good Spacing in Shaolin Chin-Na
- Close-Body Fighting and Rapid Punches in Shaolin Chin-Na
- Listening to Winds and Catching Goat in Shaolin Chin-Na

A sophisticated chin-na attack
72 Shaolin Chin-Na Techniques
Shaolin Chin-Na Set
Kungfu Sets of Shaolin 72 Chin-Na Techniques