28-29 SEPT 2010 -- OVERVIEW

Grasping Sparrow's Tail

- Entering Tao and Chi Flow at Complementary Taijiquan Course 2010
- Rotate the Waist and Not Move the Arm in Wahnam Taijiquan
- Immortal Waves Sleeves -- Movement from the Waist; Little Movement from the Arms
- Continuous Flow -- No Beginning No Ending
- Double Dragons Embrace Pearl -- Movement from Waist Rotation
- Pushing Boat According to Current -- Push from Back Leg
- Black Bear Sinks Hips -- Wonderful Counter against Felling
- Grasping Sparrow's Tail -- Correct Practice Generates Energy Flow
- The Correct Way of Performing the Bow-Arrow Stance
- Changing from One Side to the Other of Grasping Sparrow's Tail
- Explode Force using Open Window to Look at Moon
- Explode Force using Immortal Waves Sleeves
- Explode Force with Other Patterns in Wahnam Taijiquan
- Using Flowing Chi to Do Work for You
- Keeping an Opponent at Bay in Wahnam Taijiquan
- Slowing Down Movements to Understand Philosophy in Wahnam Taijiquan
- Lift Hand in Wahnam Taijiquan -- Not Push Attack Aside
- Use Guard Hands against Opponent's Jabs and Crosses
- Stay at your Place; Use Body-Movement but Don't Move Back
- Cover Yourself when Chasing after an Opponent
- Counters against the Shoot
- Controlling an Opponent on the Ground
- Break Fall to Prevent Possible Injury
- Off-Balancing a Heavy-Weight
- Counters against Upper-Cuts
- Counters against the Hook
- Against an Opponent who Bounces Around
- White Crane against any Kicks
- Fell Opponent as He Kicks
- Strike Opponent as He Moves In
- Combat Application, Chi Flow and Standing Meditation

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