Grandmaster Wong demonstrated a combat application of Shaolin Kungfu on Mohammed
- Lifting Sun and Moon, and Chi Flow
- Horse-Riding Stance and Bow-Arrow Stance
- Wrong Way of Moving Forward
- Right Way of Stepping Forward and Backward in Big Movements
- Gliding Forward and Backward
- Stepping Forward -- from Big Movements to Small Movements
- Stepping Backward in Big Movements
- Gliding Forward in Big Movements
- Gliding Backward in Big Movements
- Moving Forward and Backward in Fast Steps
- Moving to Different Directions with Different Leg Modes
- Moving to Same Direction by Turning Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise
- The Yang Approach, the Ying Approach or the Straight Approach
- Moving in Bow-Arrow Stance Forward and Backward in Different Directions
- Moving in Different Stances in Different Directions
- Various Hand Forms in Shaolin Kungfu
- Fa-Jing or Exploding Force in Shaolin Kungfu
- Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Single Tiger Emerges from Cave
- Poisonous Snake Shoots Venom
- Golden Dragon Plays with Water
- Precious Duck Swims through Lotus
- False Leg Hand Sweep
- Hang a Golden Star
- Immortal Emerges from Cave
- Composing a Simple Set in Shaolin Kungfu
- Continuing One Combat Sequence with Another
- Sophisticated Techniques for Combat in Shaolin Kungfu
- Three Points of Spacing in Shaolin Kungfu
- Using the Front Leg, Not the Back
- Using the Back Leg to Bridge Wide Gap in Shaolin Kungfu Combat
- The Chase, if Opponent Retreats in Shaolin Kungfu Combat
- Sparring Using Shaolin Kungfu Techniques
- One-Finger Shooting Zen on Horse-Riding Stance
- Using Combat Sequences in Sparring
- Opponents would Not Know You are Following a Combat Sequence
- Covering Opponent's Hands when Attacking
- Counters against Sweeping Kicks
- Pressing Opponents with Combat Sequences
- Adding Kicks to Combat Sequences
- Felling Techniques and their Defence
- Shaolin Dragon-Tiger Set
- Northern Shaolin Dragon-Form Set
- Shaolin Five-Animal Set
- 36-Pattern Tiger-Crane Set
- Shaolin Lohan Kungfu Set
- Chi Flow -- the Special Featrue of Shaolin Wahnam
- Using Finer Points of Dragon-Form Set for Combat
- Using Finer Points of Dragon-Tiger Set for Combat
- Using Body-Movement to Escape Pressing Attack
- Finer Points of Tiger-Crane Set for Combat
- Sweeping Kicks, Search for Shells and Counters
- Using Finer Points of Five-Animal Set and Lohan Kungfu for Combat
- Secrets of Two Dragons Fight for Pearl and Two Tigers Subdue Dragon
- Secrets of the Tiger-Tail Kick
- Counters against Pressing Attack and Secrets of Pressing Elbow
- Second Auntie Catches Crab
- Shaolin Kungfu against Boxing
- If there's Form, Strike the Form; if there's No Form, Chase the Shadow
- Felling Attack that a Boxer has No Techniques to Counter
- Strike his Leg when an Opponent Kicks
- Fell an Opponent when He Kicks
- Counters against Double Kicks
- Counters against Muay Thai Knee Jabs
- Counters against the Shoot
- Dragon-Tiger Combat Application Set
- Spirits of Different Animal Forms
- Tiger-Crane Combat Application Set
- Lohan Kungfu Combat Application Set
- Dragon-Form Combat Application Set
- Five-Animal Combat Application Set
- Old Dragon Squats on Ground
- Surmerged Dragon Subdues Sea Monster
- Comet Chases away Moon
- Reverse Hitting of Purple Bell
- Tame Tiger Hide Dragon
- The Soft and the Internal of Monkey Kungfu
- Variations in the Use of a Planned Sequence
- Applying a Planned Sequence in Combat
- Staying at One Place, and Not Moving Back
- Free Sparring Using Kungfu Techniques

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