Participants practicing the Horse-Riding Stance
- Lifting Sun and Moon, Chi Flow and Stances
- Chi Flow, Leg Techniques and Footwork
- Footwork -- from Big and Many to Small and Few
- Moving to Different Directions and in Different Stances
- Various Hand Forms in Shaolin Kungfu
- Exploding Force in Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Single Tiger, Poisonous Snake and Golden Dragon
- Precious Duck, Hand Sweep, Golden Star and Emerges from Cave
- Four Basic Patterns of Striking and their Defence
- Training of Spacing and Timing in Shaolin Kungfu
- Element of Threat is Important in Free Sparring
- Left and Right Horn Punches
- Importance of Systemmatic Training
- Lohan Asks the Way in the Hall
- Sequence Training 1 -- Black Tiger Steals Heart
- Sequence Training 2 -- Poisonous Snake Shoots Venum
- Chi Flow and Standing Meditation
- Lohan Asks the Way by the Pool
- Sequence Training 3 and 4 -- Precious Duck and Golden Star
- Surprised Attack when Opponent Initiates
- Counters against Surprised Attack
- Sequence 5 -- Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
- Pressing In with the pattern, Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
- Sequence 6 -- Dark Dragon Draws Water
- One-Finger Shooting Zen in Wuji Stance
- Chin-Na Techniques at Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course 2008
- Sequence 7 -- Chop the Hua Mountain
- Sequence 8 -- Horizontally Sweep Thousand Armies
- Combat Application Set -- Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
- Sequence 9 -- Happy Bird Hops up Branch
- Sequence 10 -- White Horse Presents Hoof
- One-Finger Shooting Zen on Horse-Riding Stance
- One-Finger Shooting Zen -- the Treasure of Shaolin Wahnam
- Breaking the Momentum of an Opponent's Pressing Attack
- Sequence 11 -- Yellow Bird Plays with Water
- Sequence 12 -- Naughty Monekey Kicks at Tree
- What You Should Do if Your Leg is Held
- Felling Technique and Break Fall
- Sequence 13 -- Fell Tree with Roots
- Sequence 14 -- Lead Horse Back to Stable
- Sequence 15 -- Farmer Hoes Rice Fields
- Sequence 16 -- Fierce Tiger Pushes Mountain
- Combat Application Set -- Fell Tree with Roots
- Free Sparring using Shaolin Kungfu
- Keeping a Boxer at Bay
- Counter-Striking a Boxer
- Counters against a Kick-Boxer
- Striking a Kick-Boxer's Leg or Body
- Fell an Opponent as He Kicks
- Counters against Other Martial Arts
- Against a Grappler who Clinches your Neck
- Counters against the Shoot

Courses and Classes