Abridged San Feng Wudang Kungfu

Wudang Kungfu

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      Wudang Kungfu Day 1

    1. Learning the Abridged San Feng Wudang Set
    2. Checking the Form of the Abridged San Feng Set
    3. Big Movement and Slow Speed in Generating Internal Force
    4. Methods of Developing Internal Force in Abridged San Feng Set
    5. Wudang Kungfu Day 2

    6. Developing Internal Force with Cosmos First Emerges
    7. Combat Application from Two Aspects of Yin-Yang to Garment Receives Flowing Breeze
    8. Combat Application from Black Bear Tests Claws to Garment Receives Flowing Breeze
    9. Wudang Kungfu Day 3

    10. Practicing the Abridged San Feng Wudang Set
    11. Combat Sequence 1 -- Nebula Evolving Round
    12. Combat Sequence 2 -- Receive Wing Push Door
    13. Combat Sequence 3 -- Lovely Horse Flying Kicks
    14. Combat Sequence 4 -- Change Flower Plant Wood
    15. Wudang Kungfu Day 4

    16. Combat Sequence 1 of Abridged San Feng Wudang Set -- Lovely Horse Flying Kicks
    17. Combat Sequence 2 of Abridged San Feng Wudang Set -- Black Bear Tests Claws
    18. Wudang Kungfu against Other Styles of Martial Art


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