Sabah 2016 -- Day 4 Afternoon
After Pushing Hands, or Tui Shou, course participants progressed to Striking Hands, or Da Shou.
Striking Hands at Intensive Taijiquan Course in Sabah 2016 from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
"Striking Hands" is a shortened form for "Striking, Kicking, Felling and Gripping Hands". "Hands" here means "Techniques".
There are countless ways to attack, but masters have classified these countless ways to four main types known as the four categories of attack, which are striking, kicking, felling and gripping.
Instead of learning how to counter all the countless techniques of attack, Grandmaster Wong has chosen typical attacks from each category. By making adjustments to these counters, practitioners can counter all types of attack. For example, if a course participant knows how to counter a middle strike, irrespective of whether an opponent uses a fist, a palm or a claw, a bow-arrow stance, a false-leg stance, or a single-leg stance in his middle strike, the practitioner will know how to counter it.
Strikes are classified into 4 groups -- top, middle, bottom and sides.
Course participants learned a technique, "Striking Tiger Poise", to avoid a kick. If he can avoid a kick, he can avoid any kick! In other words, this technique can be used to defend against any kick.
To fell an opponent, it is necessary to have an "anchorage advantage" to off-balance the opponent. If a practitioner can overcome this "anchorage advantage", he can defend against any felling technique!
All grips on the arm can be classified into two types, single hand grip and double hand grip. A practitioner can overcome these two types of grips by a circular hand movement, which acts against an opponent's wrist, causing him to release the grip. If a practitioner's arm is gripped, he can use his elbow to make a circular movement. If his elbow is also being gripped, he can use his shoulder.
It is important to be relaxed to let energy flow to release the grip.