Lion Dance, Pushing Hands, Sabre, Seven-Star, Sinew Metamorphoses, Spear, Trident

Fundamentals of Lion Dance at Golden Dragon Museum
Lion Dance Music at Golden Dragon Museum
Lion Dance at Golden Dragon Museum -- Overview
Pushing Hands Melbourne 2015 Taijiquan Pushing Hands -- Frontal Push
Taijiquan Pushing Hands -- Overview
Taijiquan Pushing Hands -- Side and Back Push
Stationary Pushing Hads
Poractive and Reactive Tactics in Taijiquan Pushing Hands
Sabre Shaolin Plum Flower Sabre 2006 -- Pictures
Shaolin Plum Flower Sabre 2006

Learning the Sequences of the Seven-Star Set
Linking Sequences to Form the Seven-Star Set
Safety First against Boxer's Jabs
Seven-Star Hook against Throat and Arm
Seven-Star against Pin-Downs and Shoots
Seven-Star against Kicks
One-Finger Shooting Zen, Felling and Chin-Na
in Shaoin Seven-Star
Applying Seven-Star Sequences in Free Sparring against
Other Martial Arts
The Depth of Kungfu
Sinew Metamorphosis 2015 Pattern Names for Sinew Metamorphosis
Sinew Metamorphosis -- Melbourne 2015
Spear Traveling Dragon 13-Technique Spear
Trident Taming Tiger Big Trident