Pinnacle of Grandmaster Wong's Kungfu Development
12th to 18th December 2014 Penang

Course participants applying dim mak in free sparring
As there were many students attending the Dragon Strength Course, a similar course was conducted from 6th to 12th December 2014
- Entering Zen, Chi Flow and Basic Stances
- Flexibility and Footwork
- Signature Greeting Pattern of Uncle Righteousness' Lineage
- Force Training on Stance of Dragon Strength (1)
- Force Training on Stance of Dragon Strength (2)
- Combat Sequences of Dragon Strength (1)
- Combat Sequences of Dragon Strength (2)
- Attaining Picture-Perfect Form
- Flow and Consolidation in Developing Internal Force
- Breadth Control in Dragon Strength (1)
- Breadth Control in Dragon Strength (2)
- Breadth Control in Dragon Strength (3)
- Breadth Control in Dragon Strength (4)
- Breadth Control in Dragon Strength (5)
- Combat Sequences and Standing Zen
- Expanding into the Cosmos
- Developing Lightning Speed
- Consolidating Energy into Internal Force
- Dragon Force and Dragon Speed
- Fa-Jing or Exploding Force
- From Shoulders to Finger in Exploding Force
- Experiencing Dim Mark
- Healing Injury of Dim Mark
- First-Hand Reports on Dim Mark
- Dim Mark is True and Real
- Developing and Exploding Dragon Force
- Healing Injury from Dragon Force
- Combat Sequences for Dim Mark
- Using Dragon Strength for Different Types of Force Training
- Dragon Strength against Other Martial Arts
- Modifying Sequence against Strikes
- Modifying Sequence against Kicks
- Modifying Sequence against Felling Attacks
- Modifying Sequence against Chin-Na
- Black Tortoise Method and Merging with the Cosmos

Explosion of dragon force by course participants
Dragon-Strength Chi-Circulation Set
10 Questions in Dragon Strength
Dragon Strength Course Experiences