Miyuki Kuroda
- Now, Father’s hands are wrinkled.
- When I was a child, I thought they were the biggest hands in the world.
- When those hands would squeeze mine, I would be reassured.
- When I couldn’t sleep at night, those hands would hold me and gently pat me on the back.
- Probably when Father was just born, his hands must have been plump and round.
- During his youth, he must have experienced hardship.
- When he met Mother, when I was born and my little brother was born, he must have been happy.
- Hands that worked so hard for his family and society, Father’s.
- Now, I am the one who squeezes his hands.
- Not quite sad, not quite happy.
- My Father’s wrinkled hands.
- Translater into English by Sifu Emiko Hsuen
- Original Poem in Japanese
- 父の手
- 今では、しわしわの父の手。
- 幼い時は、世界で一番大きな手だと思ってた。
- その手でギュッと握られると安心した。
- 眠れない夜、抱っこして背中を優しくたたいてくれた。
- 生まれたばかりの父の手は、ぷっくりしていただろう。
- 青春時代は、辛い日々を経験しただろう。
- 母とであった時、私と弟が生まれた時は幸せだっただろう。
- 一生懸命、家族や社会のために働いた父の手。
- 今は、その手を私が握る。
- 嬉しいいような、寂しいいような 。
- しわしわの父の手.
All the Poems Submitted for the Competition
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