The Small and Big Universe Course in Langkawi
I have read that the old ways take much longer but are more powerful which led to the astonishing martial and internal levels of the past masters. Is this still applicable for those willing to take the slow path? Better yet can we still reach the level of martial and internal attainment of the past masters with dedication and perseverance using our new developed ways?
David Langford
It is true that the old ways to develop the Small Universe and the Big Universe took a much longer time, and the attainment was more powerful which led to astonishing martial and internal levels of past masters.
It would take about 10 years to attain the Small Universe, and another 10 years to attain the Big Universe. Those who had the opportunity to train the Small Universe or the Big Universe were already masters. Attaining the Small Universe and the Big Universe would make them great masters.
Great master who had attained the Small Universe would have great internal force, like being able to sustain weapon attacks without injury, and damaging opponents from some distance without physical contact. Great masters who had attained the Big Universe would become immortals, or have merged with the Supreme Reality.
Their attainment would be incredible. Most people today may not believe what they could do.
Present day attainments of the Small Universe and the Big Universe can be classified into two groups. One group, which forms the great majority, is that practitioners of the Small Universe and the Big Universe only perform techniques, sometimes wrong techniques, without the results. The other group, which forms the elite, very small minority occurs in our school, Shaolin Wahnam. Practitioners of this second elite group have the results of the Small Universe and the Big Universe, but the results are nothing when compared to results in the past.
Of course, it is understandable that most people will not believe in what we say. Some may call us big liars and may become indignant. As I have mention often, that is their problem. In this case, these other people will not have the opportunity to test what we say is true because the Small and Big Universe Course is by invitation only.
How do we know that what we say is true? Those who successfully complete the Small and Big Universe Course will have the wonderful benefits of what the Small Universe and the Big Universe will give.
Successfully completing the course is the norm. As a conservative estimate, at least 60% of the participants will complete the course successfully. To be more exact, at least 80% will be successful. What about the 20% who are not successful? Usually they do not follow instructions, though they may honestly think they do. For example, they are asked not to worry, but they worry about whether they are performing the techniques correctly.
How do we know we have attained the Small Universe and the Big Universe? It is from direct experience. Those who do not have the experience will not know, even when the explanation is clear and simple.
To attain the Small Universe is to have chi, or energy, continuously flowing in the Ren Meridian and the Du Meridian. Many practitioners may not clearly feel chi flowing throughout the Ren Meridian and the Du Meridian, but if they can feel chi flowing along parts of the meridians, or if they can feel vibrations or tingling sensations at their lips and at their anus, they may reasonably conclude they are successful in attaining the Small Universe.
To attain the Big Universe is to have the personal chi of a practitioner merging with the universal chi of the Cosmos or Cosmic Reality. If a practitioner feels that he (or she) is nowhere and everywhere, it is a good indication that he has attained the Big Universe.
Another effective way to confirm whether one has attained the Small Universe and the Big Universe is to examine whether he (or she) has obtained the benefits that the Small Universe and the Big Universe will give.
A chi kung saying mentions that “Attaining the Small Universe will overcome hundreds of diseases, and attaining the Big Universe will enable a practitioner to live beyond a hundred years”. We in Shaolin Wahnam have upgraded the saying to “Attaining the Small Universe will enable a practitioner to live beyond a hundred years, and attaining the Big Universe will enable that he (or she) will never die.”
If a person suffers from an illness, especially a so-called incurable disease, by attaining the Small Universe he will overcome the illness. Please remember that it takes time to overcome an illness. If it overcomes the illness too fast, it may not give other organs enough time to make adjustment.
If a person is already healthy, he will never be sick. He will also have noticeable improvement of his vitality. He will have longevity when he grows old.
Although it is not specifically mentioned in chi kung classics, attaining the Small Universe will make us very lucky, as reported by many practitioners who have attended a Small and Big Universe Course. “Hou yun qi” or “good circulation of energy” which actually means good luck, will be particularly powerful when one has attained the Small Universe.
Attaining the Big Universe is life-changing. He will feel free and happy, not just during his practice but all the time. With sufficient confirmation, he will realize that his spirit will never die. He will overcome the most dreadful fear of humanity, i.e. the fear of death.
While these benefits of the Small Universe and the Big Universe are wonderful, they are still far from those of past masters. The main reason is time.
Past master spent a much longer time to attain the Small Universe and the Big Universe, and a much longer time to continue practicing these arts. Our practitioners in Shaolin Wahnam spend a much shorter time.
If a Shaolin Wahnam practitioner is willing to spend the same amount of time as past masters, not only he will be able to reach the levels of martial and internal attainment of past masters, but also he will surpass them. If he takes a “slow path”, like what past masters did, he is still better because he has more information.
We live in different times with different needs and aspirations. Past masters did not have television, travel to places they like, or take delicious food of other countries. If past masters have a lot of knowledge, they would be regarded as sages. We now can become “sages” by pressing some buttons of the internet, but we need to differentiate rubbish from good information. More immediately, we need to guard against over-training.
The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Small and Big Universe in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.