Practicing our chi kung gives good health, vitality and longevity
I know myself to be a recessive carrier for an hereditary disease, although according to findings of the Western science all people may carry unfavorable genetic alleles without their direct knowledge because the DNA structure is mutating all the time. What are the best Chi Kung exercises that would especially purify these (and other) bad hereditary parts of anyone's physical and spiritual inheritance, so that their children wouldn't have to face risks that come with them?
As a related question, how much and what types of benefit would a recently conceived child receive if one or both of the parents have received health benefits from Chi Kung or Kungfu for one, three, or ten years?
You can overcome your hereditary diseases, if any, if you practice our chi kung. In theory, any genuine chi kung can overcome hereditary diseases. But more than 80% of what is practiced today as chi kung is only gentle physical exercise, and not chi kung, though the practitioners themselves may not know it.
We may appear arrogant to other people when stating this truth, but I would like our Shaolin Wahnam family members to be aware of this fact. Of the 20% who practice genuine chi kung, much of it is low level. In practice, the effect of overcoming hereditary diseases may be negligible if one practices low level chi kung.
Ours happens to be genuine, high level chi kung. Hence, practicing genuine, high-level chi kung will overcome any diseases, including hereditary ones. Again, we may appear very arrogant, but I am only stating the truth.
From the perspective of chi kung, the fundamental cause of diseases, including hereditary diseases, is energy blockage. Once the blockage is cleared, the practitioner will regain his good health, which is natural. If the chi kung is low level, the resultant energy flow may not be strong enough to clear the energy blockage. If it is gentle physical exercise, there is no energy flow.
It does not matter when the energy blockage was caused. The blockage may be caused when the person was small, or during pregnancy in his mother’s womb, or in his previous lives. When the blockage is cleared, energy will flow harmoniously and perform its natural functions. When a person’s glands, organs, tissues and systems are functioning naturally, as a result of harmonious energy flow, he will not have any diseases.
Scientists have discovered that the DNA structure of a person is changed when he is sick. When he recovers from his sickness, his DNA structure will return to normal.
Any chi kung exercise can generate an energy flow and therefore purify bad hereditary parts of a person’s physical and spiritual inheritance. But effective ones are those from the 18 Jewels and the 18 Lohan Hands, like “Double Dragons”, “Dancing Butterfly”, “Lifting the Sky” and “Carrying the Moon”.
It may be worthwhile to note that in our range of chi kung types, these exercises are elementary, compared to more advanced exercises like Abdominal Breathing and Sinew Metamorphosis. Although they are of a lower level, they are more effective than the advanced exercises in rectifying hereditary defects and overcoming illness. In other words, advanced exercises like Abdominal Breathing and Sinew Metamorphosis can rectify hereditary defects and overcome illness, but elementary exercises like “Double Dragon” and “Carrying the Moon” are relatively more effective.
Of course, these beneficial effects occur if the exercises are practiced correctly. If they are practiced wrongly or as gentle physical exercise, the beneficial effects will not happen, and there may be adverse effects.
When you have cleared hereditary defects and continue to practice your chi kung or kungfu so that hereditary effects will not occur, not only you but also your off-springs will not have the hereditary effects or be recessive carriers. In some literature, this is described as erasing bad karma. Bad causes in the past resulted in hereditary effects. When the bad effects, like hereditary diseases, are eliminated, they will not cause off-springs to have bad karma. Your off-springs will have good karma because your genes will be good and healthy due to your chi kung practice.
Presuming all other things being equal, a recently conceived child will have more benefits the longer the parents practice our chi kung or kungfu. This also applies to a child who is born of parents who practice genuine, high level chi kung or kungfu. Let us quantify the benefits to have a clear idea.
If one parent practices our chi kung or kungfu for one year, the child will have 10 units of benefit. If the one parent practices for two years, the child will have 20 units of benefits. If the one parent practices for three years, the child will have 30 units of benefit. If both parents practice our chi kung or kungfu, the child will have double the amount of benefit, i.e. 20 units, 40 units and 60 units for one, two and three years.
The types of benefit will be overcoming illness, good health, vitality, longevity, mental clarity and spiritual joys, generally in this order of attainment.
If, due to other reasons, a child is sickly when recently conceived, or is sick soon after birth, he will recover very fast. This is a theoretical condition, mentioned here for comparison. Always, when a child is recently conceived, especially when both his parents practice our chi kung or kungfu, he is full of good health and vitality. How do we know when he is still in his mother’s womb? It is because when he is born, and also when he is young, he is full of good health and vitality.
It is also obvious that children born of parents practicing our chi kung or kungfu have much mental clarity. They are also happy and peaceful.
So, for those who wish to have a happy family, including free of hereditary diseases and having healthy and happy children, ask your spouse to be, or your spouse if you already have one, to practice our chi kung. If both you and your spouse are already practicing our chi kung or kungfu, enjoy the practice.
The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Happy Family Life in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.