An important force training method in Dragon Strength
Some of the force training patterns in the Dragon Strength set are unique. What makes them so unique and why haven't they been employed in other sets as well?
On the other side I was surprised and delighted to find the first section of One-Finger Shooting Zen implemented in the Dragon Strength set. Was it already in Uncle Righteousness’ set? What are the connections and/or the differences between One-Finger Shooting Zen and dragon force?
Sifu Leonard Lackinger
The training methods of Dragpm Strength, including its patterns, are quite different from those of other arts of internal force training. This is the main reason I ask those attending the Dragon Strength course not to employ the Dragon Strength Set, which is presented in video, to train internal force.
I even go a step further saying that if they do learn the set from the video, it is alright. This is because unlike in other courses, where I introduce the training methods and let the course participants to continue to practice on their own at home, in the Dragon Strength course, participants will actually practice the training methods and develop Dragon force as well as lighting speed during the course itself.
As the methods are different from what we normally practice in our school, I want to supervise the course participants in their training so that not only they won’t make mistakes, but also perform the methods correctly so that they can actually develop Dragon force and lighting speed at the course, not with the hope that if they continue to practice they will develop the required force or skills in future.
One of the special features of Dragon force is an ability to manifest it at any part of the body. To ensure participants have this ability, they shall try it out on one another, and I want to be present to ensure that the appropriate remedial exercise is performed to erase any injury sustained.
Another special feature is the application of Dragon force for dim mark. It would be irresponsible of me if I do not stay around when course participants try out this advanced skill on one another, and ensure that injury, which confirms that the dim mark application has been applied successfully, has been removed completely.
What are the special skills in Dragon Strength that are different from what we have been training in our school, and therefore may require different training methods and patterns? There are three special skills, namely Dragon force, lighting speed and dim mark.
In many ways Dragon force is quite similar to the various types of force we have trained in our school, like those found in One-Finger Shooting Zen, Wudang Taijiquan, and Flower Set. It is very different from those found in Iron Wire and Choy-Li-Fatt, and discernably different from that found in Triple Stretch. It is also different from those found in Wing Choon Kungfu and Yang Style Taijiquan.
It is worthy of note that the comparison above is based on the types of internal force of the various characteristic sets practiced in our school. In other schools where internal force is derived from the respective set, the nature of the force may be different. In many other schools, although the respective sets are practiced, they may not be any internal force.
A notable example is Iron Wire. Many Iron Wire practitioners, in my opinion, practice Iron Wire as isometric exercise. They are powerful, but their power is derived from muscular strength, as revealed in their big muscles, and not from flowing energy of internal force. The powerful internal force of some rare masters is also different from the Iron Wire force in our school. The former is “hard”, lacking the flowing nature of Dragon force, whereas ours is more flowing, indicating the strong influence of Dragon force.
Another notable example, on the other end of the spectrum of internal force, is Yang Style Taijiquan. A great majority of Yang Style Taijiquan practitioners do not have internal force, and amongst the few who have, their force is different from the Yang Style Taijiquan force trained in our school. Ours is relatively “harder” than theirs. The difference is due to the influence of Dragon force training in our school, and its lack in theirs.
Nevertheless, amongst some rare Taijiquan masters in Yang as well as Chen styles, their internal force is similar to our Taijiquan force. I believe it is due to their long years of dedicated training which has transformed their “softer” force to “harder” one.
From my study of kungfu classics, I believe that Wudang Taijiquan force in the past was similar to the Wudang Taijiquan force practiced in our school, which was fast, powerful and relatively hard, suggesting the Dragon rather than the Snake. However, I have not seen in person or videos this type of Wudang Taijiquan force of the past.
This noticeable difference of the various types of internal force derived from their respective kungfu sets between our school and other schools, and some similarity in the various types of internal force to Dragon force in our school but not in other schools, are due to the strong influence, though often unconsciously, of Dragon force in my teaching.
Nevertheless, there are still two notable differences between Dragon force that will be trained in the coming Dragon Strength course, and the various other types of force we have in our school. The two differences are that Dragon force is versatile and can be manifested in any part of the body, and that it is lightingly fast and flowing.
The differences are of nature rather than of kind. In other words, students in our school can also be versatile and fast with the other types of force, but it is particularly emphasized and noticeable in Dragon force.
The differences are due to different methods of training, rather than different patterns that constitute the training methods. In other words, using the same patterns skillful practitioners can develop types of force, though particular patterns may be more suitable for certain types of force. In other words, assuming other things being equal, if we use patterns in the Iron Wire set to train Iron Wire force, we will get better and faster results than using patterns in a Taijiquan set, and vice versa.
But other things are not equal. Hence, in our Wuzuqaun and Wudang Taijiquan courses in Penang, for example, course participants employed Wuzuquan and Wudang Taijiquan patterns to develop Triple Stretch, Wing Choon and other types of force more effectively than other students of theses specific styles. This was because our course participants are more skillful. In the coming Dragon Strength course, after learning how to develop Dragon force, we shall also use Dragon Strength patterns to develop other types of force.
The secrets of Dragon force lies not in the patterns of the Dragon Strength Set but in the manner of performing the patterns of the set. Hence, even when the form of the set is revealed, the uninitiated would not know the secrets of Dragon force.
Even when the secrets are revealed, the uninitiated would not have the skills to develop Dragon force even when they know the techniques. It is the same as in chi kung. The chi kung techniques practiced by practitioners are genuine and correct, but they lack to practice the techniques as chi kung, which is an energy art. They practice the techniques as external physical exercise.

One=Finger Shooting Zen
The same principles apply to lighting speed and dim mark, the other special features of the Dragon Strength Set. There are secrets regarding the development of lighting speed and the application of dim mark, but even when the secrets are revealed, the uninitiated would still lack the necessary skills. These skills need to be taught or transmitted by a master at a course.
These training methods in the Dragon Strength Set are unique because they are specially meant to train Dragon force and lighting speed found in the Dragon Strength Set. They are not employed in other sets because Dragon force and lighting speed are not trained in these sets.
Although dim mark is also a special feature of the Dragon Strength Set, it is different from Dragon force and lighting speed. Dim mark is a technique, whereas Dragon force and lighting speed are skills. The skills of Dragon force and lighting speed can be used for the technique of dim mark, as well as for other techniques like chin-na and no-shadow kicks. On the other hand, other skills, like One-Finger Shooting Zen and triple stretch force can also be used for dim mark.
Please note that classifying dim mark as a technique is provisional. In other context it may be classified as a skill.
Certain patterns, however, are more suitable that others in operating the skills of Dragon force and lighting speed, and the technique of dim mark. In Dragon force, holding the hands in open palms and moving them in extended, circular movements are more suitable than holding the hands in close fists and moving them in short, linear movements
In lighting speed, moving about in simple stances is more suitable than moving about in complicated stances. In dim mark, striking with One-Finger Zen, dragon hand form and phoenix-eye fist is more suitable than striking with other hand forms.
These patterns, however, are not unique to the Dragon Strength Set. The open palm is also found in Baguazhang and Tantui, extended circular movements are also found in Taijiquan and Choy-Li-Fatt, and simple stances are found in Lohan Kungfu and Wuzuquan. One-Finger Zen, dragon hand form and phoenix-eye fist are found in many other kungfu styles and kungfu sets, like Hoong Ka, Flower Set and Wing Choon.
The first section of One-Finger Shooting Zen, which I learned from Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, was added by me to the Dragon Strength Set. It was not found in the original set I learned from Uncle Righteousness. Similarly, the phoenix-eye fist was added by me from the Wing Choon Kungfu I learned from Sifu Choe Hoong Choy, and the Triangle Stance (or Four-Six Stance) was added from Wuzuquan learnt from Sifu Chee Kim Thong. They were not in Uncle Righteousness’ original Dragon Strength Set.
I added these hand-forms and the Triangle Stance because I found them very useful, especially for dim mark. The two special skills of Dragon force and lighting speed, which can be employed for any techniques, can operate One-Finger Zen, phoenix-eye fist and Triangle Stance very well. The original hand-form for dim mark in Uncle Righteousness’s Dragon Strength Set was the dragon hand-form.
There are close connections between One-Finger Shooting Zen and Dragon force. In fact, it was because of my training in One-Finger Shooting Zen that inspired me to develop Dragon force in the Dragon Strength Set. When I first learned the set from Uncle Righteousness, it was at a physical level. My training of One-Finger Shooting Zen from Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, which enabled me to generate energy flow as well as consolidate energy (though I was not aware of these terms at that time) that galvanize me to train Dragon Strength at the mind and energy levels.
Another inspiration came from my reading of Taijiquan classics about using mind to direct energy to move form. This Taijiquan concept provides the catalyst, while the training of One-Finger Shooting Zen provided the foundation.
Another close connection is that both One-Finger Shooting Zen and Dragon force are classified as dragon training. The mind is the most important factor in the training. The dragon hand-form, which was the primary hand-form to implement Dragon force in the original Dragon Strength Set I learned from Uncle Righteousness, is sometimes called Two-Finger Zen.
A third close connection is that both One-Finger Zen in One-Finger Shooting Zen, and the dragon hand-form in Dragon force are used for dim mark. Both hand-forms are excellent for focusing on an opponent’s vital points, and acting as bridges for a flow of energy from an exponent to distort the energy system of the opponent.
A fourth connection is that both One-Finger Shooting Zen and Dragon force are also excellent for healing. I have employed them to help many people overcome pain and illness.
A fifth connection is that both One-Finger Shooting Zen and Dragon force are very versatile. Not only a practitioner can develop tremendous internal force at his fingers, his punches, palm strikes, elbows, kicks and other parts of his body are also powerful. Not only he can cause serious injury to opponents, he can also heal with his internal force. Further, the internal force derived from his training will give him good health, vitality, longevity, mental clarity, peak performance and spiritual joys.
There are, nevertheless, some differences. While both arts are versatile, One-Finger Shooting Zen focuses at the index finger but Dragon force can be manifested all over the body. While both arts are soft and flowing, Dragon force is relatively harder.

Exploding dragon force
Dragon Strength in Video
Old Version of Dragon Strength
Treasure House of Kungfu Sets
Treasure House of Combat Application
The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Dragon Strength in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.