VIP Chi Kung

Chi kung enables managers make quick decisions


Can Sifu please elaborate what specific benefits VIPs of the following four categories will gain for their profession from the course?

  1. Managers
  2. Politicians
  3. Top sportsmen
  4. Actors and other artists
Sifu Leonard Lackinger


There are two aspects of the benefits of chi kung, namely holistic benefits and specific benefits. Needless to say, practitioners will get the benefits, holistic as well as specific, if they practice genuine chi kung. If what they practice is not genuine chi kung, though they may think it is, they will not get the benefits.

This is only logical, but today so many people do not practice genuine chi kung, although they honestly think they do. What many people practice today is just gentle physical exercise, although the outward forms are chi kung forms. Chi kung is an energy art. Thus if people practice the same forms as physical exercise, they will not derive its benefits.

It is the same with Taijiquan. Taijiquan is an internal martial art, but most Taiji practitioners today only practice Taijiquan forms as an outward dance. Hence, they do not derive the benefits of internal force and self-defence which Taijiquan provides.

The holistic benefits of chi kung apply to all practitioners, including managers, politicians, top sportsmen, actors and other artists. The holistic benefits are good health, which includes overcoming any illness, vitality, longevity, mental clarity, peak performance and spiritual joys. All practitioners who practice genuine chi kung will get these benefits, and the higher the level of genuine chi kung, the more benefits they will get.

Besides the holistic benefits that apply to all practitioners, there are also specific benefits that apply to specific groups of people, like managers, politicians, top sportsmen, actors and other artists.

A specific benefit managers will get from practicing genuine chi kung is quick decision making. It is well knownamong business people that making a wrong decision is better than making no decision. This shows how important is making decisions in business, especially for managers as their decisions will directly affect their companies and many people like their staff and their clients. Not only managers who practice genuine high-level chi kung can make decisions quickly but also that their decision are correct.

Why can managers who practice genuine, high-level chi kung make correct decisions quickly. It is because chi kung enables them to be focussed.

An important specific benefit for politicians is a sense of righteousness. It is, unfortunately, notorious that politicians are generally not known to have this admirable quality of being righteous. Hence, acquiring this sense of righteousness from practicing genuine high-level chi kung is not only beneficial to themselves but also to their parties and many people as their policies influence the well-being of their countries.

Why do politicians who practice genuine, high-level chi kung have a sense of righteousness? It is because chi kung purifies their spirit.

Top sportsmen are often injured and in pain. A specific benefit for them is to overcome their injuries and pain quickly. From experience it has been found that chi kung practitioners recover from illness, injuries and pain faster by at least three times what ordinary people may take. If the top sportsmen are advanced in their chi kung practice, they may not even be injured or in pain even when they are exposed to injury and pain causing factors.

Why do top sportsmen recover from injuries and pain quickly, or may not even be injured or in pain? It is because of energy flow of genuine chi kung. Energy flow clears blockage that causes injury or pain. Energy flow acts as a buffer against injury and pain causing factors.

A specific benefit for actors and other artists is integrity. Actors and other artists often have to play roles that may be different from their own personalities. With the practice of genuine, high-level chi kung, they recognize that the roles they play are only their acting, and basically they remain true to themselves.

How does the practice of genuine, high-level chi kung give actors and other artists integrity. It is because of a deepening of consciousness that genuine, high-level chi kung can give.

These specific benefits are readily available if the managers, politicians, top sportsmen, actors and other artists practice genuine, high-level chi kung. If the level of chi kung is low, even when it is genuine, the specific benefits as well as the holistic benefits may only be marginal.

VIP Chi Kung

Chi kung enables top sportsmen overcome injuries

The questions and answers are reproduced from the thread 10 Questions on Special Chi Kung Course for VIPs.

