The famous Tang general, Xue Ren Gui, who originated the strategy "Deceiving Heaven to Cross Sea"
- Introduction to the 36 Strategies
- Benefits of Knowing the 36 Strategies
- What Makes the 36 Strategies so Special?
- Which Famous Strategists would have Used the 36 Strategies?
- Does the Application of the 36 Strategies Contradict the High Moral Values of the Shaolin Arts?
- The 36 Strategies and Other Chinese Classics
- The 36 Strategies for Entrepreneurs and Business People
- The Escape Strategy
- The Thirty Six Strategies and the I-Ching
- The Most Beneficial and Effective of the Thirty Six Strategies
- Win-Win Outcome in Private or Business Conflict
- Using Strategies to be Better Poets and Artists
- Why Haven't You Overcome Your Problem
More Fun
- Strategies to Improve Business
- Is Chi Flow an Example of Borrow Body to Reincarnate?
- Hit Grass Startle Snake
- Strategies Found in Taijiquan and Shaolin Combat Sequences
- Application of Attacking Strategies for Non-Combat Actions
- Applying the Reincarnation Strategy to Invention, Innovation and Teaching
- To Catch So Release
- Fighting with a Muay Thai Fighter
- Employing Strategies at Work and at Home
- Strategy with Good Application in Marketing and Business Expansion
- Strategies to Encourage Family and Friends to Learn Chi Kung