Olli Hartikainen
Olli Hartikainen
Shaolin Wahnam Finland
2nd December 2016
There was barely any transition, but since yesterday something has dramatically changed. What I am doing now is not the Kungfu I had been doing previously. This is magic, and I really mean it.
There is no more any struggle or need to push myself in any manner, but incredibly enough I let go, just do it, and enjoy all of it. The subtle bliss of Kungfu has finally dawned upon me, and oh how sweet it is. Words fail to seize how grateful and dumbfounded I am by the suddenness and dramatic improvement of my performance.
My body has begun to feel incredible light and free. Sometimes I can barely feel the body, or it feels like an empty sack or saturated with a "potent silence" for the lack of better words. No wonder a recent thread recalled how Sigung has called our every day a birthday because now it's completely tangible how alive the Shaolin Arts make us.
Even standing up feels more like a spring uncoiling and reaching its natural untensed state, instead of the fight against gravity as it used to be. The change is most prominent in my palms in that I can hardly feel any residual irritation or tension in them.
My hand and arm joint mobility and fingers are still not completely clear, but these are minor concerns compared to how huge relief this progress already is. Now I only have two locations that have noticeably oppressing tension: my head and chest. By how things are going, I have good faith that I will be completely relieved of these before the turn of year.
Infinite blessings and thanks to you Sifu, Sipak, and Sigung!
With sincere gratitude
Olli Hartikainen
On my way to understanding the greatness of gratitude.
Thank you Sifu, Sigung, and Past Masters!

Olli performing Shaolin Kungfu
The above discussion is reproduced from the thread Discovering the Living Shaolin Magic in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.
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