Sifu Angel Perez and Iris Klare

Sifu Angel PĂ©rez
Shaolin Wahnam Puerto Rico
9th May 2018
Dear family and friends,
Greetings from the island of Puerto Rico. I will like to share with you an account from one of my students and also loving partner of her wonderful experiences with the practice of Qigong. Being able to follow her progress on a daily basis I feel both happy and proud of her efforts. I hope her experiences inspire others as much as it has inspired me to continue practicing diligently. We are certainly lucky and my gratitude will always be to Sifu and all the great masters of the past.
You can also find her account on this link.
After a wonderful morning practice, with bamboo swaying in the wind, river birds accompanying me with their sound and the wind brushing my skin, I feel truly thankful for Sifu Angel, my teacher and loving partner, for his knowledge, teachings and transmission of the marvelous practice of Chi Kung.
I would like to share an experience which occurred during the practice of the Five Animal Play.
The first couple of weeks nothing particular happened. I was just trying not to intellectualize, not to worry and enjoy the healing process and chi flow.
When Sifu Angel returned from his trip from Malaysia and joined me again in my daily practice and after stomping my feet like a bear, I felt my belly swell up, as if I were 6 months pregnant. The following days of practice it kept on happening, some times more and some times less.
Once it felt as well as if a baby was moving in my belly.
Time has gone by and this sensation has diminished, but still from time to time a light sensation like this happens and I feel a strong energy flow into the dan tian of the abdominal area.
I wonder if this might have to do with the loss of my last child 10 years ago, which was born premature at 6 months of pregnancy and died. (once again intellectualizing...or just wondering?)
In my practice of only one and a half years of Chi Kung, I have had many wonderful experiences. My energy levels went up nearly immediately, which was wonderful, as I often felt depleted of energy and exhausted. I am a healer and work as a massage therapist. I had troubles with joint pain and starting arthritis, which has since disappeared completely.
I had frequent troubles with my sinus, but this has become part of the past.
One of the best things however was that I was suffering for many years from a condition called irritable bowel syndrome, which limited me greatly from enjoying life fully. I tried many different approaches, supplements, exercising and I had a check up with a gastroenterologist, who recommended a certain diet, but to no avail. I researched many pages just to find it to be one of the so called "incurable diseases". However the daily practice of Chi Kung healed me.
I had as well problems with my breasts and the level of disease showed a higher level with each mammography, but after practicing Chi Kung, this problem has disappeared as well.
I remember Sifu Angel telling me the first day, just "smile from your heart" and me answering him "when I smile, I always smile form my heart". Since then, time has passed and I have come to truly understand the bliss and lightness when you are smiling from you heart and soul.
I see the miracle and beauty in this gentle practice and I am truly grateful and thankful to have such a great Master by my side.
With all my respect, love and a smile from the heart.
Iris Klare
March 11, 2018

Iris performing Thrust Punch
The above discussion is reproduced from the thread A Smile from the Heart in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum.