Participants at the Sabah Intensive Chi Kung Course 2008 with the youngest student, Kamil, 13, and the oldest student Mr Edward Kissey, 84, in the front row
The following comments are reproduced from the thread Discussion on Shaolin Wahnam Courses in Sabah, June 2008
Sabah is Paradise
I am back from the Sabah Intensive Chi Kung course. It was everything I had hoped for and much, much more.
Thank you to Sifu and all those who made the course so welcoming and successful, especially Drs. Damian and Roseline and Bernie. Wow, I can't say enough about the whole experience.
Also, thank you forum members who encouraged me to go. The travel and being in the Malaysia was as painless and easy as you said it would be.
I am so grateful to have met such wonderful classmates and seekers and to now really feel a part of this marvelous family. I feel like a different person and can't wait to see what happens to me over the next 6-9 months as I "practice, practice, practice". I also realize even more how lucky I am to have such an excellent teacher right here in my own town, Sifu Anthony.
I hope my course-mates will post on this forum so that we can have access to each others' screen names and email addresses, and post about our successes.
Please share some of your experiences. Here is one of mine.
During one of the sessions I saw a strange thing: it appeared to look like a tiny missile or fanjet (a propeller inside a housing on a jet plane) moving toward me and entering my body in one of the rare places that doesn't hurt or have something minor wrong with it. I thought this was odd (there were so many more obvious spots that needed help, though I know that the problem area is certainly not always the true root problem).
Anyway, I didn't think any more of this until yesterday when that area (my right upper chest) started to bubble and vibrate like I think happens when a chi blockage is being removed! This went on for nearly 12 hours and now has ceased. Don't know for sure the result of this (but my painful back and shoulders are not painful at the moment!)
Also, I didn't suffer from jet lag at all and haven't needed any headache medicine since I got to Sabah!
Be well, friends, please be in touch and smile from the heart. And please, Damian, Roseline and Bernie, accept my loving gratitude for all you did for me!
Barbara from Florida
I could not lie anymore so I started to call my dog "God". First he looked confused, then he started smiling, then HE EVEN DANCED! I kept at it; now he doesn't even bite. I am wondering if this might work on people?

Dr Barbara, Dr Roseline and John in the tropical forest of Sabah
Hello Brothers and Sisters
Master Wong, Dr. Kissey, all from the Organizing committee and classmates,
Thank for for the amazing experience.
It was an honour to meet you all.
I was back in Greece on Monday, started working on Tuesday but I do not feel a bit tiered, actually I feel so happy, refreshed and much stronger.
I practice 2 times a day and it really feels great. I'm sure that in 9 months I'll recover from my so-called incurable illness.
Every day I start my practice I have Sifu Wong in front of me telling me to smile from my heart and everybody next to me.
Thank you again for every thing. You will always be in my mind.
PS. Nice to read your experience Barbara and I'm so glad Lara is so joyful. Hope Carlos is OK too.
Happiness and joy to all of you.
Effie from Greece
Key to Better Life
My heart is full of gratitude for Sifu Wong and the wonderful people around him that made my adventure in Sabah possible: Damian, Roseline and the whole Kissey family (a salute to Capt. Emanuel), and meeting Joanna, Bernie, Des, Wei Foong and Chun Nga: you are all in my smiling heart.
Thanks to Joanna on the 8th I glimpsed the magic of Sabah's nature in Sepilok and on Kinabatangan river.
As I relate in the Italian forum: Freshly back from the Intensive Chi Kung Course in Sabah, Malaysia I got great satisfaction from my newly formed group of chi kung students during this evening's lesson. They've started practicing short time ago, and after a session of Lifting Sky, chi flow, facial and point massage followed by a brisk walk, four out of six declared feeling great inner peace, spontaneous movement and various happy sensations. One had no sm but did feel warmth along his arms and chest, and one girl was too disturbed by a spider in the corner of the room...!
After the lesson they can't wait for the next. Even the new spider-frantic student is thrilled to come back (possibly in a clean room). I'm beaming, and I owe this to Sifu Wong!
A big hug to Barbara, Effie and Lara.
Listen to the passing clouds

Dr Barbara, Carlo and Effie smiling away while waiting for their delicious dinner