Spontaneous Chi Flow
Spontaneous chi flow is seen by some teachers as an advanced practice. However it is available more generally to practitioners through a number of "introductory" books, including your own.
-- Ruth, UK
In our school, spontaneous chi flow is not an advanced exercise. It is basic. It means that every one of our students will experience spontaneous chi flow, usually at the beginning of their learning from us, often on the very first day.
However, spontaneous chi flow is rarely found in most other schools. If it is found, it is usually exclusive to advanced practitioners. Thus, many schools and teachers regard spontaneous chi flow as an advanced practice.
Yes, spontaneous chi flow is very beneficial. If you experience spontaneous chi flow regularly in your chi kung practice, your chi flow will become harmonious, which means you will have good health. When you continue your training, your harmonious chi flow will become vigorous, which means you will have vitality. When you continue your training further, you will have more chi than is needed for your use. The excess chi is stored at your dan tian as well as your eight wondrous meridians, giving you a plentiful supply of chi, which means you will have longevity.
This is simple and profound. It shows that if one wishes to have good health, vitality and longevity, he practices chi kung regularly to ensure spontaneous chi flow.
Actually all chi kung promotes spontaneous chi flow, including low-level chi kung. Low-level chi kung takes a long time, in terms of months or years, to produce a little spontaneous chi flow. Due to the long time and little amount, the result is often insufficient for overcoming illness or producing remarkable force. On the other hand, high-level chi kung takes a short time, in terms of days or weeks, to produce a lot of spontaneous chi flow. It is excellent for promoting health, vitality and longevity as well as internal force for marital art and spiritual cultivation.
Courses and Classes
In our school, spontaneous chi flow is not an advanced exercise. It is basic. It means that every one of our students will experience spontaneous chi flow, usually at the beginning of their learning from us, often on the very first day.
However, spontaneous chi flow is rarely found in most other schools. If it is found, it is usually exclusive to advanced practitioners. Thus, many schools and teachers regard spontaneous chi flow as an advanced practice.
Yes, spontaneous chi flow is very beneficial. If you experience spontaneous chi flow regularly in your chi kung practice, your chi flow will become harmonious, which means you will have good health. When you continue your training, your harmonious chi flow will become vigorous, which means you will have vitality. When you continue your training further, you will have more chi than is needed for your use. The excess chi is stored at your dan tian as well as your eight wondrous meridians, giving you a plentiful supply of chi, which means you will have longevity.
This is simple and profound. It shows that if one wishes to have good health, vitality and longevity, he practices chi kung regularly to ensure spontaneous chi flow.
Actually all chi kung promotes spontaneous chi flow, including low-level chi kung. Low-level chi kung takes a long time, in terms of months or years, to produce a little spontaneous chi flow. Due to the long time and little amount, the result is often insufficient for overcoming illness or producing remarkable force. On the other hand, high-level chi kung takes a short time, in terms of days or weeks, to produce a lot of spontaneous chi flow. It is excellent for promoting health, vitality and longevity as well as internal force for marital art and spiritual cultivation.