Intensive Chiu Kung Course in Sungai Petani
In the exercise “Drawing the Moon”, how big exactly in centimeters or millimeters should the circle you have to draw with your big toes?
— Rowan, USA
I have never measured the circle made during “Drawing the Moon”, so I cannot give you the exact measurement in centimeters or millimeters. But a good estimate is about one or one and a half feet in diameter.
You have to excuse me for using the British measuring system for that was what I was used to in school. Using a conversion table, the measurements work out to be between 30 centimeters or 300 millimeters, and 45 centimeters or 450 millimeters.
You need not have the circle exactly between 30 and 45 centimeters in diameter each time you make a turn. You will still have good result if the circles are 28.23 centimeters or 46.53 centimeters. But they should not be too small or too big, like 5.82 centimeters or 90.26 centimeters.
Another important point is that you must not make the circles too quickly. You should take at least 30 seconds to make a circle. It is alright if sometimes you take 29 seconds or 26.7 seconds, but it is not alright if you draw the circle too quickly, like 6 seconds or 2.5 seconds.
Is there a particular order you recommend doing the exercises? Should I do them in the order they are in your book, or is it best to start with a certain exercise and finish with another? Does it really matter what the order is?
There is no hard and fast rule; it depends on some variables. An analogy may make this clear. Let us change the question slightly as follows. Is there a particular route to take going to your bank?
It depends on a few variables, like whether you wish to walk, take a bus, a subway or drive. It also depends whether you would like to pick up some marketing on the way, or drop by to chat with a friend. It also depends on your starting point, which may or may not be your house.
With some insight from the above analogy, you would better appreciate the answers to your questions. The answers to all your questions are: yes and no, yes or no, either yes or no, neither yes nor no. There is no play of words. The answers are correct and straight-forward.
If I say I do not recommend a particular order doing the exercise, I may be right in some situations and wrong in other situations. If I say I recommend a particular order doing the exercise, I may be right in some situations and wrong in other situations too.
To sum up, forget about all these academic questions, and get on with your practice. Such academic questions may be of interest to chi kung scholars who study chi kung but may not derive any practical benefits from their study. They are not important to chi kung practitioners who benefit from practicing chi kung.
I know that I am being very precise but I am very dedicated to doing this and I really want to get it completely right. So, please give me the best advice that you can to get the best results possible {for my body and heart}.
If you are very dedicated to practicing chi kung and really want to get it completely right to get the best results possible for your body and heart, the best advice, and probably the best gift, I can give you is to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course in Malaysia. Many, many people have told me they could never thank me enough for teaching them chi kung.
But if for any reasons you cannot attend my course, a good piece of advice is to stop worrying about unnecessary details and questions, and practice the chi kung exercises described in my chi kung books according to the ways I describe them, and enjoy yourself.
The above is taken from Questions 10-12 of August 2002 Part 3 of the Selection of Questions and Answers.
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