Grandmaster Ho Fatt Nam and Grandmaster Wong many years ago
What is the most important lesson you learned from Sigung Ho Fatt Nam?
-- Sifu Maxime Citerne, Shalin Wahnam France
The most important lesson I learned from my sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, is to have an impeccable conscious.
I clearly remember my sifu told me that if a person did some evil deeds, he might cover his evil deeds from the whole world, but he could not cover them from heaven and earth. Even if he could cover his evil deeds from heaven and earth, he could not cover them from his own conscious.
My sifu also said, "Kui tau sam chet yau shen ming", which is in Cantonese meaning, "if you lift up your head there are countless divine beings three feet above you." The meaning is that a wrong doer may think no one else knows about his evil doing, but in reality his evil doing is witnessed by countless divine beings.
It is worthy to mention that my sifu was a great Taoist master frequently sought by the public for advice and help on spiritual matters. Hence, when he mentioned the presence of spiritual beings around, he knew what he was saying.
My sifu also advised that this presence of countless spiritual beings around would be a warning to other people, but not to us. We avoid evil and do good, not because of the presence of spiritual beings around us, but because it is the right thing to do.
Having an impeccable conscious is the most important lesson I have learned from my sifu. It has enriched my life and the life of many people. While it is the most important lesson, it is, however, not the most advanced.